Lost Numberplate

Could Pork Scratching or any of the other memebers tell me if I have to report a lost number plate to the old bill.

Coming home from work this afternoon it a very large pothole and heard a crunch at the back. When I got home the numberplate had gone complet with screws and the rear indicators are now completlety shagged. Do I have to report the loss or not ???



report it for your own protection.

If somebody less desireable decides to pick it up or copy it they could commit bilkings (runners from petrol stations) commit Gatso offences or (alright getting dramatic now) commit a murder and do one using a getaway vehicle with your plate on it!!!

At least by reporting it you can verify your own details and Plod will have it on record you’ve reported your plate lost/stolen.

N.b they should send you a crime report…fold it up and stick it under your bike seat or keep it on you…it will explain everything if you get stopped and your plate has been used illegally by another party


You could still make the rideout!

I went down to Brands as I was working there, the plate on my old 400 was held on by velcro and I saw it come flying off on the M25 in heavy wind and rain. I saw a police car which slowed down infront so I had no choice but to overtake it.

I pulled up along side them and asked them to pull over (ohhh the power I felt ) We both pulled over on the hard shoulder. I explained to them before they had the chance to pull me over what had happened to my plate. I explained that I would go to next junction, turn around and go back to look for it but they told me to carry on my way and gave me an exemption note that allowed me to ride without a plate until I could get another one made up. If I got pulled again I just had to hand the police this note. They took my phone number and said they would look for it, call me and bring it to brands if they found it!!!

It was ace, a free ticket to ride all weekend with no numberplate

Unless you’re reporting it to the Met where you’ll just get a Crime Reference Number.

Pork Scratchings advice is spot on … but if done in the Met, just keep a copy of the reference number and all will be dandy !

Thats bang on the money Plod will normally lose the record so you need to keep that ref/no.

Littlemissroadra… why would someone velro on a number plate

Lol … for the last 7 or 8 years (if not longer … my brain gets fuzzy with age) all the crime reports are on a new fangled computer so they can’t get lost.

But as above, keep a record of that bloody number (or report if given one by the carrot crunchers), it could save you a world of grief !!

what he said.

Well they aint been able to find the records of the visit they made to my neighbour!

If your neighbour called Police to attend their address then their should be a record of the call - CAD (computer aided depatch) message and if a crime report was taken then their will be a record of that on the CRIS system.

Of course all this is for the Met, if your neighbour is in the Met then they should call up and ask to speak to a supervisor on the Crime Management Unit of their local nick and ask why no record can be found - if they still can’t find one then tell them that they want the matter reported and recorded.

No result after that then time for a stroppy letter to the local Superintendent.

What the carrot crunchers do, I’m not sure.

Hope that helps Sneaky.

Errrrm, I do trackdays ociffer

Yeah … right, of course thats your only reason !

When i was using my bike for work i would have the numberplate on velcro so i could just take it off if i parked on a single yellow for 5 mins etc… or if i parked on a residential parking place. Well mine went also on the motorway because i forgot to put the bolts back on for that trip.
On saturday flying under the bridge and up the ramp to the ace my bracket decided to brake and was only being held on by the wires then it started to touch the rear wheel. I had to gaffer it under the tail so at least i still had indicators, later that night i got pulled by the BMW plods comming in london from the M3, they did not even get out of the car when they could at least see that the bracket was broken.

Thanks for the advice PS and co, hope to pick the new one up today so I can ride to work tomorrow and pop over the Cubana on the way home, if not will have to walk over as its only 5 mins from the office. Finish at about 9.


Thanks Trojan. We actually called plod to arrest the neighbour!

Aha … well if someone was nicked then there will def be a record. Got to be done under P.A.C.E. … legislation that is very boring !

A custody record will have been created but … you won’t be allowed to see or know about its contents due to that Data Protection malarkey. Was it Met or out in the counties ?