lone biker?

Hi All,

it sounds a bit sad but i lack biker friends,… (actually i think i lack friends generally (lol)) i had some biker friends bout 10 years ago and we were really close but i was not on a bike back then and i think they lost hope in me getting on two wheels and i havent seen or heard from them in coming up to two years now.

now the friends (and family) i have are not in favour of my choice of transport, i have no one to turn up to events or meets with. sooo if likewise u are a lonely rider and want to go places / meets and want to know at least one person when u get there, holla at me cos i would like to hang out on my bike more

take care :wink:


Most of us have been in your position at some point:)

I remember arriving with Broady at Borough Market for the first time with trepidation and within minutes was made so welcome it was like being with old friends:cool:

I’m certain there will be someone willing to take you under their wing:)

It might help if you let us know what area you are from to enable any local LBers to contact you.

Hi Grasscutter i saw you at Bm on wednesday…i was the nutty one with mole mucking about with the bubblewrap!:w00t: Next time come say hi:D

cuul, will attempt a second visit to the market this wednesday, will come say hi, am in chadwell heath, which is somewhere between east london and romford.

you will make plenty of mates on here.:slight_smile:

Hello, welcome to lb! :slight_smile: Indeed… you’ll make plenty of friends :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Hey dude, hi!!

Welcome to LB

Helo Karen…dont live as near to you im afraid, but ill never forget your grascutting skills May dunstable downs ride out, …ever…youre always gonna be in my memory!!!:smiley:

Good, that means i wont have to do it again to remind u,… hope u aight

hiya from little me too…:smiley:

Hello, I am in wickford, also on an SV. PM me if you wanna ride out sometime, i can introduce you to the few i know, either that or just keep lookin at the forum, and going to the meets, its nice and cozy here, top people.


Hello and welcome, hope you make a ton of friends :smiley:

hello and welcome:)

Hi Welcome to lb:)