I recently had a close call when a car swung right into my path just as I was overtaking it, causing my left foot to be crushed between my bike and the bumper of the car. Managed to stay upright, but impact broke footrest hanger, footrest and the gear lever and linkage. Foot has healed up nicely now (would have been much worse if not for my Daytona boots), and bike repaired.
Riding home at 6 pm on Thursday (17th) eastbound along the Highway, I stopped at the lights by the Roayal Mint pub, between a bus on my left, and a BMW Z3 (or Z4) on my right. When the lights went to green, the BMW decides steer in towards the left (I saw the front wheels move) and proceeded to crush me against the bus, and this time my right foot is trapped between the bike and the car door. I hit the horn and shouted loudly but the BMW kept going and crushing me harder between the bus and the BMW door (so much so that the mirror stalk on the Bandit was bent against the bus).
The someone on a light metallic blue bike (possibly a ZXR or GSXR) wearing a mirrored visor got along side the BMW drivers door and started shouting and slapping the door. The BMW driver then decided to move to the right, releasing me.
The blue bike shot off, so I never got the opportunity to thank him (or her) for their prompt action. Could have been much worse-as it was it has taken to tonight to reduce the swelling on my ankle. Shook me up a fair bit too.Thank God for that rider and my boots for keeping my injury so minor (even if painful). If anyone knows who the rider is, please thank them for me.
Ride safe!