led numberplate lights

Are led numberplate lights supposed to be tougher than filament bulbs?
I’ve fitted 2 of these, but after a few weeks, they ‘blow’ or at least stop working.
I’ve took a live feed off the taillights to power these and the taillights have never blown?
If i was getting a voltsge spike, i would have thought the taillights would have blown too?

Not very good on this new 'lectric stuff, but i was about to buy an LED brake light unit from the net when I noticed a small bit of puff that it needed a special connection module. Lost interest after that as I could not find this “special …thingy.”

Then noticed some LED indicators come with another bit of kit included.

Of course, I could be talking borrocks cos I’ve not understood this stuff, but someone here should be able to help the both of us.

I thought Led’s were meant to be much tougher than regular bulbs as there is no filament, which often breaks due to vibration. Not quite sure what the special “thingy” is for the tail lights, but for the indicators, its usually a resistor or replacement indicator relay to ensure the indicators flash at the correct rate. If you don’t fit this, the indicators flash too fast, which is an MOT failure.

LED lights should last longer than filament bulbs. Having said that, the circuit boards that the LEDs mount onto often suffer from vibration and fail.

You can now get LED tail light bulbs that are a direct replacement for the normal filament type.

Ive had two led rear lights shake themself to pieces,i suspect what they say is true that the light are more resistant to vibration than bulbs,but with my lights it was the other parts like the circute board that broke.

was thinking about those too
direct replacement for CBR600 unit
but there is talk of them not being very visible from the sides and prone to vibration damage (new bike OEM units prob better quality components)
not sure now :ermm:

I’ve got an aftermarket LED rear light and it now works fine. Straightforward wiring thriough a connector block. Strange but some of the LEDs stopped working when (I think) a bit of water found it’s way into the back early on. All dried out now and works fine. IMO they are brighter than the standard and look much better too.:slight_smile:

what led no plate light are you using? if you are using motrax ones i wouldnt bover they are crap. go get yourself a R&G one they are about 15 quid might be worth putting a small in line resistor in to get the from any electrical shop.

is that the motrax straight swap led tail light?

I’ve got a Maddoctor one at the moment and it seems to be fine… (touch wood) :smiley:

Nope its the R&G LED that came with the tail tidy. BTW it’s the rear light not a number plate light (I have a strip of reflective for that when the MOT is due). :slight_smile:

bugger, i can only go for the matrox full replacement tail light as i have an old CBR600F so tail tidies are out of the question :frowning: