Knee and elbow down

That’s proper lean angle! :d




now all he needs to do is lift it up and wave to the crowd


I took this picture from other forum and guys who were racing with him actually said he was doing it all day long and didn’t lowsided it.

You certainly know that rider abilities are getting better when you have to start designing “Elbow Sliders”!!! :w00t: :stuck_out_tongue:

looks very impressive

but for the scenery i’d rather do one like this…

So has Tom bought an R1 now :smiley:

Wonder what tyres he was using :smiley:

And…Do you need that much lean angle :unsure:

guess you do if you want people starting forum threads about you…:hehe:

Don’t think that you do but neither does most need to put there knee down.
You know dam well that you do it **because you can ** :wink:

that be me in a few weeks!:laugh::rolleyes:

I guess there has to be a trade off, the lower it goes the less grip the tyre has so the less power it can transmit so you go slower. Must be an optimal angle where power can be applied and cornering still achieved.

tyres are off the shelf diablo supercorsa pros :slight_smile: the lastest supercorsas as used in WSS.

could that LB’s Johnny Bravo ? hi wishes :Whistling:

Im told this fella saved this one:D:D



be fair hes holding it up on his boot as you can see from the smoke coming of it!!!

amazing photo though!

afro - simple answer is yeswhen on track to be the fastest you have to carry corner speed thus hitting max lean angle at some point in a corner. Trick is to brake as far into the corner as you dare and gas it as early as you can…thus making a lap time…all of which eludes me lolthe elbow down style is cool as. but it is just that…a style…some people will make it look like they aren’t trying wheras he will look like he’s on the very ragged edge…and like the coolest racer around

It may not be the fastest or best way around a bend, but its something ive gotta teach myself.

Jay from Fastbikes does the elbow down thingy well to.


if i hung 3/4 of my body off i would probally get my knee and elbow down quiet frankly i dont feel the need to do that. much further over and my bike would of been resting on its fairings i hate the feeling of the tarmac wearing away at my sidis and really dont like the thought of doing it to my knee but im sure once i get use to it i will do it all the time:D

Cheers…Yeah, I can understand how that works, but is that guy hanging off the bike less so he can bank it over more before his knee makes contact with the ground, or is he really lanky like Leon Camier :D?

Check this one out

Hate to be pedantic, but…

While the bikes lean angle is impressive, is the head position/angle actually quite poor?