Just joined about 5 minutes ago

Hi folks, just joined about 5 minutes ago!! I met a couple of very friendly London Bikers’ folks at Box Hill a few months back and have just been told about the London Bikers’ Newbie Night, so thought I would check out the site and see what’s going on here. I ride a Honda Hornet 600, which is a fantastic bike, but am also interested in trying off roading and am going on an off road day next week.

Hello all! Looking forward to having a look at the site :):slight_smile:

Hi and welcome aboard, looking forward to meet you at newbie night.

Wehey another horneteer! Hello and welcome:D

Hi there and welcome! As a relative newbie myself nice to see more people joining. We’re going to need a bigger venue on Wednesdays!

No we’re not - you haven’t seen it even half full yet.

Welcome to LB Hels :slight_smile:



Welcome aboard :wink:

Hello and welcome to LB:D Another Hornet rider to boot:P

Welcome Hels! See you soon maybe at the BMM?

welcome fellow newbie!:slight_smile:

welcome to LB:D

hello :wink:

Cheers folks!! Nice to ‘virtually’ meet y’all !!

If it’s still snowing like this this evening, may not make it to Newbie Night, stupidly tried riding in the snow last year and made it about 10 yards down the street before landing in a heap with the bike!!

If not, will try and go to the borough market on Wed eve instead.

Anyhow, will play it by ear - with the kind of weather we’re having at the mo, might be 17 degrees and bright sunshine by 6pm!! Here’s hoping:):slight_smile:

hel lo and welcome