After years of dreaming (and the imminent ban on my licence) I’ve decided to leave London for good and settle in Cape Town. Have been there many times and planned to move there sooner or later. The time has now come. It will be the first time out there on a bike. If anyone has been they can testify to the race track-like roads. There are miles and miles of smooth, grippy roads with mad banking on most of them. It’s like a huge Nuremberg Ring!!!
The R1 is crated up and ready to fly on Thursday, I just couldn’t wait for a slow ship to get it there in 6 weeks. I should have it there next Saturday. It’s gonna be mad. It’s 35 degrees as well!
Hey Andy, all the best in Cape-Town! I hope you’ll still check in on us and let us know how wonderful the riding is out there, if possible, with pictures!
Good luck out there. One of my mates knows people in J berg. He went out 2 years ago and they gave him a Buell to thrash around while he was there. He said it was an awesome place and he loved riding out there. The only particular note was that it seems to be compulsory to drink drive in the evenings so watch it at that time of day.
I wish you all the best, please send pictures back so that we know what we are missing. Also, try and get a track day in, apparently they do 2 uos on track days out there and don’t wear a lot of kit!
The bike scene used to be huge out there many years ago but it’s surprisingly small for such a hot country. Bikes are pretty expensive out there so not really accessible to most people. It’s pretty much a luxury to have any of the bike sports bikes. I’ve never been there with a bike so I’m sure I’ll find out more when I dig around. Most of the bikes only come out for Sunday breakfast runs.
Good luck !!! SA is a great country.I use to live 6 month out there and had a fab. time !!!
there t-bone’s are big man and if you like meat there is no better place for it!