IT Analyst 2nd/3rd line

I’ve made the interview happen that’s it and that is because I like what I heard on the phone. Wise’s son has to make us want him, there are 3 people in the interview and he needs a majority so if he makes it in, it is on his own merits not me…

And everyone that is involved understands that as well

sleeper done his bit & im greatful if my son doesn’t get the job its nobody fault & there is no fault
both me & my wife send my son job adverts all the time from all over the place
mrs wise is a police officer & she sends him job adverts from Essex Police
its not for Me & Sleeper to have sleepless nights over lol
Its all up to my son to get the job no one else
as his dad I want my son to do his best & ill do my best to be his dad
& when my son fucks up im the first to call him a prat

Well said

Jesus, people! I was jusk kidding! :smiley: I’m all up for it to happen. Young people need opportunities like that nowadays. Sorry if I offended anyone :slight_smile:

no offence taken at all by me mate… I’d still let you buy me a coffee ;0)

I’ll buy you one. When I find you!