Improving vision in the wet

hi all

riding home fom work this morning in the foul weather, i couldnt see a thing! my visor wasnt misting, i couldnt see for bloody rain droplets on my visor!, if i wiped it with the finger of glove it cleared…for 5 secs!

i find this really off putting when im riding i serioussly dont like it!

i have seen some products that you can use to coat the visor allowing the rain to run and not form droplets?

do this products work!? and can anyone reccommend one that works well?

help much appreciated!:smiley:

Household furniture polish works a treat!! :wink:

Hi Ratty

There are a few good products and some not so good.

I prefer the V Wipe from Bob Heath. Its a mini windscreen wiper you put over your gloved index finger.

Fairy Liquid rubbed into the inside of the visor helps prevent in mist up. Another old idea was to cut a potato in half and rub it on your visor, not sure if it works but it makes you feel hungry…lol

Is it an old visor? I find that new ones seem to shed rain quicker.

no mate, lids about a month or so old!SP you serious!? i try it…hey chunkymonkey, i see if i can get gold of one of them, misting isnt a prob its the outside of teh visor thats the prob! potatoes! aving a laugh!?:smiley:

Try getting some Rain-X from Halfrauds or a motor factors. It works really well on visors to help the rain water bead up and blow off.
I think it says on the bottle something about not using it on plastics or visors but I’ve been using it for years with no problems :slight_smile:

i dont know how about u but i like to cook or fry potatos before they make me hungry:P

Yep … it really works a treat. If I’m going out in the rain, I always polish my visor.

Rain-ex. And also, when you’re going along, turn your head slightly to one side and then the other (as if you’re saying “no”) and the wind will push the droplets off - if you’re going along at a reasonable pace, that is.

do you do any thing special as I was under the understanding it damaged the visor?

I’ve heard it said that it reduces the polycarbonates shatter resistance, but never tested it myself:cool:

I’ve used normal car wax for years and found it does the same as rainex :cool:

Keep meaning to try the finger wiper thingy too :wink:

lots of intresting replies lads!

i’ll try a few few and see how i go, teh cheaper teh better;)
so does rain-ex damage visors then??

furniture polish is first up for testing!:smiley:

Yeah, I reckon a hint of anything waxy does the job as long as it leaves the surface blemish free so as not to distort vision.

I use Nikwax Visorproof. Works very well but needs re-applying after every wet ride. The only time it’s not so good is in very fine mist / drizzle, when the water droplets are too small to bead and run off. Then it’s recourse to the v-wipe thingy that goes over the finger of your glove.

I use pledge, but dont spray it diretly onto the visor, apparently the propellants used in the spray can will make the visor brittle.

Just spray a little onto a cloth, let the the propellants evaporate and rub on the resultant wax.

Ive also started to carry the pledge wipes, these work well too, and are availbe in a variety of narutal fragrences. Im currently hooked on the spring fresh. :slight_smile:

Once your visor has the wax on it try not to touch it, when the rain starts to bead on the surface either turn your head to the side or just give the visor a tap with your finger on an area out of you eye line. all the weater will just roll off.

For the inside I like the pinlock system.

I thought somebody was having a laugh when they suggested Mr Sheen for the outside of the visor but having tried it, it’s perfect ! Water just beads up and runs off, will try car wax too, more likely to have that than Mr Sheen :wink:

Mr Sheen is good for polishing bikes too:)

I use that as well, brilliant… although easy to lose!

Put a smear of clear silicone sealant inside before slipping it on your finger:cool: