HV14 Panigale rider on the M4 tonight. You where flying and LUCKY!!!!

how would you tell two of them apart?

so in your opinion undertaking done by a “good rider” is fun, what happens if he/she dies during those “fun” “skillful” moments is he still considered a “good rider”?

Ok if that’s so, does sex get a little boring when you get older?

It probably does with every new STD you get… :smiley:

I’m sure most experienced riders can see the difference. If I couldn’t have those “fun” and “skillful” moments on a bike , I would walk;)

No disrespect to you Anna.:slight_smile:

Five bans! :w00t: Insurance companies must love you!

Only on way to find out…FIGHT!!!:w00t:

and the no fairing stops you sitting at 185:laugh::Whistling::smiley:

True :laugh:


how is the new beast

I’m loving it mate to be fair.

not surprised, lot easier to live with than the twins aye, not fussed about no fairing?