How long did it take you to learn to ride...

… your bike… not your girl!

… or guy to that matter!

See the thing is, jay was teaching me back in England on his crap bike and I got it up to 3rd gear in the first day having never ridden a bike before, i was quite happy with myself for that but I havnt ridden (a bike) since, how long did it take you untill you were natural on the bike?

I’d like to add, Jesse’s talking about my dirt-bike, not the gixxer, hehe. How long? I’m still learning.

my bad, yeah not crap as in crap or poo, crap as in crappier coz you know really I wanted to ride the gixxer, heh

and stop being modest, you know your natural on the bike… I remember when you pulled up to mine on a 125 that you borrowed from the instructors for the weekend and were like “look man I’m on a bike!!!”

remember that? that was so dope.

once my mummy let go of the seat i peddled like crazy so id say in all about an hour…

cheater, you blatently used stabilizers!!!

Ive had a Bike in my life from the day I was up on my feet…little kiddie ones to Pushbikes to the little Italjets and the Honda XR75,s (both Mini Version) …on to the Famous Fizzie,s…kwaka,s and finally the Old School Thumpers like Water Cooled Suzi GT750,s…Now…I can still do with all the tips and hints I can get…I honestly think that there is to much scope to the various different aspects to Biking to know it all !!!

I grew up on a dirt bike from 10 to 18(grew up in wales), cant realy rember how long it took to master the basic control…

I do remeber pulling my self out of fences, hedges, nettles,bogs,brambles,tree stumps and ermm other bikes/riders a LOT…

Broken foot, leg, ribs, arm and collar bones

Haha thank god i only got on the road 3 years ago at 30.

Like jay rightly says im still and will always be learning…

I’m a very new (full) licence holder. I was on a twist and go 125 for two years, then I did a 4 day DAS course and was lucky enough to pass first time, the day I passed my CBR600 was sitting at home waiting for me (I actually had it delivered a week before) and was out on it that night.

That was at the end of March and all I can say is that I have oh so much to learn …

but loving every minute of it and wished I’d done it years ago.

“how long did it take you until you were natural on the bike?”

I’d been riding for about 2-3 years (around 20000 miles) before I went round a bend and thought “that felt right”. I have been riding for about 20 years and training riders for about 14 years. Some days I feel natural on the bike, others I feel a bit rubbish. I still have plenty to learn and its a very enjoyable experience. Currently I’m on a steep learning curve of dirt riding.

I love riding bikes.


i had to race BMX for a season before my parents would let me on a crosser…i was 14 yrs old and the wait was unbareable…as soon as i was 15…i was on the motorcross curcuit with a kx 125…after two seasons of me getting into track scraps and me hurting myself and breaking the bike,…it was time to call it a day…“when you can afford to spend the money yourself ,you may do what you please” they said…havent been on a crosser since…

i was pretty p*ssed off at the time… my bike got stolen…and my parents refused to buy me another…but to remember the strife i got into while racing with the no fear attitude as most 15 year olds have…i shudder to think what would happen…

all in all i have been riding since i was about 6yrs old…from a welded bike frame with a lawn mower engine in it that my mum’s biker mates put together…to the bikes i have now…

by the way.being 30 now…i only pased my bike test in jan this year (theres alot gone on in between)…and am gutted i havent gotten around to it sooner…but have had bikes around me since birth with both parents being bikers…and am still learning to this day…

go at your pace dude…and do what you feels comfortable…thats all i can say…


I chucked my leg over a motorbike for the first time when I was 17 - it was a mate from work where I was doing my apprentiship and it was a 125 kwack - I procedded to wheelie it up the road in sheer terror before I hit a wall - ben his forks and front wheel… cost me a weeks wages that did.

Staight back on though… managed to buy a BRAND NEW CZ125 out of apprentice wages !!! Ha ha… wish I hadn’t it was a crap bike and I blew it up shortly after doing my CBT… seriously it blew up on the dual carridge way in Caerphilly - BANG and I was off! Big fire…

So then I bought a MZ 125 which was amazing - great bike that looked after me until I did my big bike DAS… and I’m still learning 8 years later

I’ve only been riding for 3 years. It took me three weeks of riding my 125 around a car park before I felt confident enough to go out on the road (and that was at the age of 29!) I’m still learning to ride the firestorm properly, in all honesty it’s too big and I think I’d do better on a smaller bike but might as well keep this now that I’ve paid for it!

Being 30 Now !!!..shut it mate…your 40 odd if anything !!!

1998 - Did CBT one day, then about 10 lessons on a 500, and off to the test I went.

Passed, picked up my shiny new Fazer600 and never looked back. Other than life-savers of course

After a few holidays in Italy on scoots over a few years, including a stint of six months of touring, I bought a scoot when I returned to London about 2.5 years ago.

A couple of months ago, I did a four-hour gear conversion on a CG125, then a month later rented one for a day, two weeks after that bought the Duchess. Still definitely learning, but it’s a great learner bike!

40 you git!!!

altho…living in london and riding thro it every day…i do feel 40…lol

never known such a menally taxing place in my life…!!!.


got my licence about 2 years ago, got on track about 9months later. will never stop learning (or making mistakes)

its all about doing the miles

I think it depends how natraul(however u spell that) u are. when i got my bike i rode it up and down the grden every day i could then mum shouts then when it came my birthday i was out and well it was wierd but in a couple of days i got used to it and it grow quite quickly how to control the bike and then you dont think although you are still learning everyone is and always will be.

This thread makes me feel old! did my bike test back before you had to do cbt,das and all the other jumping through rings that you have to do now!

picked my first bike (dt125r) in 1989 up from Roy Smith’s in New Malden (now j&s) got shown where the throttle and brake was and away you go, let loose on to the a3 for the scariest ride i think i have ever had!

Took my full bike test in early 1990 on a hired rxs100 it was just when they had first brought in the pursuit test, me on a piddly little 100cc two stroke him in a geat big volvo estate!

get managing to loose him in the traffic and having to wait for him to catch up!

On a bicycle? I was around 6 and my father made me trust him that he was holding the bike, which he was for a while, then he let it go and I had my first fall. He lied again and I trusted. This time I didn’t fall and got the hint.

On a motorbike? My fahter always had motorbikes and I remember being on the tank of his cb750 when I was really little. Learned the clutch and front brake before be able to reach the gear and the rear brake.

Later on when I was little bigger I had a security gard on the condominium I used to live that had a Honda ML125. He let me ride it in the grass of the residential. I used to go around and around on it… From there it was easy and natural. Got my first Garelli 50cc when I was around 13, jumped to a Mobillete 50 and them straight to a CB400 when I was 16. After that and other bikes I got my first big one when I was around 18, a Honda CBX750F, the rest is history.

Still learning all the time obviously and always someting new to see and learn.