how did you find

i’m just wondering how all you members got here

i had alook on this site (while doing some bike-web browsing) about two weeks before i was recruited by some chap on a red vfr800 in enfield town (anyone know who i mean?) he told me it was a great site

so i joined

and he was right viva LB


i saw a sticker on a bike at the ace so i thought id have a look and c whats it like and thought it looked a great site so i joined ,i havent regreted it yet lol

i was looking for advice on which bike to get next and came across this website… that and Trisckie…

I was doing a general search for bikes and then found this. I then lost it as I forgot what the address was then found it again

Some bloke on an Africa Twin stopped when he saw a group of us and said it would be a good idea to visit…

He wasn’t wrong!

I met Snap at the ace and he told me about it last July so I joined and never looked back!

Jay emailed me through my own website and we started chatting. I followed the link in his signature.

I can’t remember so I’ll assume it was my good friend, or one of my random faffing about on t’interweb sessions

I’m suspicious! lol

Jay was on our site early last year and had this as his footer. First off I was thinking spelling mistake but no it was a case of almost the same but not the same.

I see this forum as more a chat forum for me and my rides/nights out are sorted on the other with a group of mates that I know very well. London is a very big market and I’d say Jay was very good at marketing well done.

Was a member of another well known forum and someone mentioned LB, they said try it you’ll like it so I tired a little and was back a day later for more now im addicted and can’t afford rehab so I gave into my cravings

…Don’t do drugs

Rottie (an LB member ttravellign the world atm) pulled over when my gsxr broke down on the unity ride (blown fuse) he helped me work out what was wrong and then rode with me to catch up the rest of the group.

At the ace he then introduced me 2 jay and cezar…

And here we are nearly a year later!


Glad to have been of help my friend…

I used to see bikes at the Ace and Chelsea Bridge with stickers on…

So i joined up, looked around but took me a while to post, but aint looked back since

Thanks everyone…

Saw the stickers on some crappy yammy at the ace - I think the reg was RO51HOG LOL(only kidding Barro!) I think it was Jays bike i saw the stickers on! Now I hardly Log off!

Saw it mentioned on the CBR forum. Got a CBR, live & work in London, quite happy with dual-membership!

Found this site through Jays old site.

Ah yes Rottie, wonder where he is!

I have fond memories of last year especially the Christmas doo!

I noticed a bike in the traffic one day …stickers on it…then I started to see them all at the ace cafe with them…the last straw was some turd in my parking space at work with a sticker on hes bike…I logged in and the rest is my past medical history !!!

When I first joined, I found it interesting, informative and friendly. Now I find it mostly boring, obnoxious and smug.