Honda Bros Electrics Problem

Hi all, So im just coming to the end of finishing my bike thought id start it up to see if the engine runs ok,checked to see that all the wires are in the correct place. As ive turned the key the startor relay has started making a buzzing sound. im not sure what to do

Hi Chris if it just makes a buzzing sound when you hit the starter it means your battery is toast!

Try charging the battery ideally on an Optimate or other float charger with desulphate function.

if this buzzing sound happened as you turned on the ignition and before you pressed the button then it will be a different issue.

When the ignition is on it usually provides 12v to the coil of the starter relay.

When you press the button, it usually provides an earth to the other side of the relays coil to energise it, this will then send a 12v straight off your battery down to the starter motor.

If you have a weak earth being sent to the relay BEFORE you press the button, it can make this buzzing noise, or, if your battery is toast then it could make this noise when it is pressed as Sparky says.

Either way, the starter circuit is very simple to diagnose on a bike, it shouldn’t cost much to fix at all.

Let us know how you get on?


Thanks guys , the battery was toast after all , i hooked up a car battery and sorted out a fuel blockage its now running nicely Now ive just got to find a set of speedo clocks
Cheers Chris

Car Battery!? That’s 24v, not 12v! Blimey, sounds like you’re lucky you didn’t blow it up, lol. Good work Chris.

I hoped it was a 12v battery,lol cant believe how brilliant it was listening to the engine for the first time! …sad i know (but im sure somebody out there knows what i mean!!!)

Hey Jay ya bone head.

All car batteries worldwide are 12 volt. It’s truck batteries that are 24 volt.


actually, most truck batterys are 2x12v batteries in series

And yes, nearly every car in the world is 12volts , the only difference is the return path, 99% of cars are earth return some of the old Rollers are +ve return, happy days for the auto sparks

That’s what I said, bozo! Ack, only human