Home movies

I doesn’t take longer, other than these bits which take longer. Gotcha :slight_smile: Maybe days was an over exaggeration for a simple ‘moving photo album’. If you’re literally recording hours and hours, even just copying it off the memory card can go from a 4 or 5 minute task, to a 30 minute task…

How does it take longer? I said it only takes longer if you choose footage in a stupid way. Why would you do it in a stupid way?

It reminds me of an argument from a decade ago when some photographers advised against ever buying “digital” DSLR lenses because they do not work on full frame cameras. So they would be of no use when you upgrade to a 35mm camera. But they best shot is always the one you take, because you had the equipment to take advantage of an opportunity, never the one you had to miss out on because you did not. There is no coming back later to try again.

But hey, if you want to miss out on the exciting and unexpected moments, the pinkness of the sky, the cows who coming running to the fence to watch you go by, the procession coming the other way, because just jumping to those moments in the video is too difficult and you just want to recreate streetview then fair enough.

All of those examples have a sort-of basis, though not in video. I was on the High Street one time coming home and had my camera with me, and the sky was an amazing pink so I took a photo of an oncoming bus with the church behind it against the sky. One of my favourites. The cows was just when I stopped in a lay-by and was a bit creepy. The cow were sat in the field, and just got up, walked to the fence, and just kept looking at the bike until I left.

The procession is just a combination of following a fancy hearse yesterday and a time I passed a procession of Harley’s on the M40, which in combination would have been something. But all were moments that could not have been planned for. Whenever I have seen any sort of vlog, the only interesting things have been the unexpected stuff. On its own, scenery is boring.

It is up to HBG what they want to shoot, but I fell confident in suggesting that just turning the camera on where the guide or map say the view is nice will create boring video. Mountains and lakes may be pretty, but they do not capture attention on their own.

Aside from the fact that you do not have to wait until the exact moment before you need to start editing before you download something (plug it into the computer before you take you gear off, do it whilst making you tea, let it run overnight), you only need to download the sections you want to use.

Personally I download everything from my rides and I rarely watch any of it. It takes me about ten seconds to plug in the card reader and type in the command that starts it copying. It takes longer than that to take my boots off.

I still would just personally use Hindsight. Press record and the GoPro 9 will keep the last 30 (or 15) seconds and start recording from that point. No need to find the files, timestamps, keep a notebook, voice recordings, gps logs. Just lots of video clips you want to use. I can’t believe that’s not quicker than finding the bits you need and editing them out. It’s almost impossible.

Let’s just agree to disagree.

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I have my drift set to record at 5min intervals. If anything interesting happens I can pause and restart with a press of a button and just look for the file that’s slightly smaller.

Also stitching small files is easier than splitting one large one