
Well I guess I should say hello.

Just got back on a bike after many wasted years, I used to ride in a very naughty fashion a long time ago, but when I got a works van and the bike constantly played up and I could no longer afford to get it repaired things sort of went by the wayside.

Now as an old fart I am doing things properly, completed my CBT, got a CG125 to practice on and do a bit of commuting, and aim for my test fairly soon. I cant get my head around having to do all this theory stuff, and hazard perception.

None of that when I did a part one, or even when I got my car licence


welcome to the site, and good luck with the test


Been riding again for a week, and I think I am getting a little too comfortable again. All those bad habits back with a vengeance.

will always happen, perhaps you should check out the mentoring section to see if anyone is free to give you guidance before you go for your Direct Access

hello and welcome to LB mate

Cheers Goose I put up a thread in the mentor section.

And Steve Tah for the welcome

Welcome to LB :wink:

Hello and welcome to LB:D

Hi and welcome aboard.

Thanks all

Nice to meet you

Welcome, Take it easy out there!!

Ricky, what’s with the cars?

Hi and welcome :smiley: