Had a great time at the meet and then ...

So came to the meet tonight, had a great time, met some new faces and gleefully explained that my Varadero really was a 125 :slight_smile:

Then on the way back, just coming away from Old Street heard sirens which weren’t behind the bus in front as I thought but were in fact behind me. I was a bit slow moving over which earned a sarky round of applause from a bobby as his colleague drove past and had a car driver pull up next to me to comment “You’re not very good as this motorbiking lark are you?” :smiley:

I had to laugh and take it on the chin but a valuable lesson for a learner rider about checking my mirrors more quickly and not getting carried away on the ride home.

probably the helmet makes it more difficult for riders to judge the direction of sirens

We all make little mistakes, least you pulled over safe. dont worry about it .

The Tin Box drivers are no better at obervations… that we all know to our cost.

My reply would be -
“What do you think the ‘L’ stands for!”

I make mistakes and put that down to lack of experience plain and simple. I resent the attitude that some people have that any road user should be an expert!

… so you keep saying … BTW where’s your front ‘L’ plate!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

My front one got blown/ kicked off the other night, need to get around to replacing it. Is it against the law to not display front and back? If so I should probably sort it sooner rather than later eh?

did you see all the flashing blue lights just after i left?

the motorcycle out ridersa and tsg vans??

it was Prince Charles


nice to meet ya tonite fellai saw them go past the entrance to BM…was it charlie!!?:w00t:

dont worry about it mate, you got out of the way:), i found it took me a few months of riding before i could suss wich way teh sirens were coming from, check ya mirrors first;), if it aint behind you, look up front, as the police often use both lanes when on the blues and twos. ie quickest way through.

you too buddy.

Yep sure was 'ol charlie himself.

had enough protection to fight anybody off…

:DPAH! all he needs is harry…harrys the boy! now hes done a tour of duty:D

he must need some driving lessons if he could not go round you , so dont worry about it, you pull over when it is safe to do so.

Hehe been there done that years ago when I had a friend of mine on the back of the KR1-S, 2 x 6ft+ blokes on that little 250, couldn’t see anything in the mirrors!!

if you had a bus in front of you, then the police couldnt have got very far anyway, so it probably didnt matter whether you pulled over slowly or not…

So weirdly enough on the way to work this morning the same thing happened. This time, I was ready! Ambulance was behind me, I pulled into a shevron area in front of a bollard marking out the one-way lanes of traffic I was using and the bus only lane coming the other way.

As if you test me further the police bike leading hares past me down the bus lane and the ambulance past me in the lane I’d pulled out of! Flashing lights on both sides but I had managed to get out of their way and no cocky driver having a crack :wink:

wouldnt worry mate! were all full of mistakes.

But I would be carefull with no front ‘L’ plate. My mate got 3 points and a 60 for that. was a few years ago mind but I wouldnt take the chance.

Happy riding mate :slight_smile:

you have mirrors? :hehe:

@photographichero - thanks for the heads up. Guess what I’m going to pick up at lunch time :slight_smile:

It’s difficult sometimes to hear where the sirens are coming from. And if you’re not a skinny midget, it’s often difficult to get really good all round view from your mirrors without shifting around on your seat like you’ve got an itchy behind :slight_smile: . You might consider either getting the Swivelling-Owl-Head ™ modification, or maybe trying some blind-spot mirrors (which look so weird that you’ll be so keen to get them off that you’ll quickly pick up better observation skills.

And no front L plate is almost asking for a friendly stop and chat from the police, at the least.

Have heard of someone getting 3 points recently for this (last year or so)