Does the rear brake light switch spring attach to the pedal recall spring?
Does the rear brake light switch spring attach to the pedal recall spring?
you still building that bandit…on my 600 it hooks onto a small lug just before the return spring, its the same piece of metal that the return spring connects to…its not actually on the spring…
Yeah its taking ages, I keep running out of money - and I can only get to the workshop on saturdays so its a part-time thing. Mine must have come off I guess. Thanks
yes it looks like its a simple item, flat piece of metal do you want me to try and take a photo…its in the haynes manual as well…
You can download a manual free of charge from this site. Alll you have to do is register:)
I’ve checked, there is a 1200 Bandit on there:cool:
cheers for that. I’ve already got the repair manual - and nothing in it, but thanks for the link, I paid £5 to download it. Dont worry about the pic I thought the lug may have broken off. I’ll weld on a new one.
Have a trawl through there as there maybe a parts microfiche on there too which I find is always a help with good assembly diagrams:)
from my haynes manual…
The switch is mounted to the back of the right-hand footrest bracket. (chapter 8 vs 14)
Does that help?
Wait, no, thats obvious…yeah, that doesn’t help you…
Tomorrow I’ll go and look on the bike.
Ah whatever…I’ll go and get dressed and see if I can see it now…be back soon…
Ok, yup, the brake lever has a little hook that goes behind the footrest plate. It moves when the lever is pushed down. The spring from the brake light switch attaches to that. I hope this helps
I’m suffering with cold, so I feel like I’m not making sense…so this is more for me than you, I guess, Diablo…
The spring you’re talking about I think is on the outside of the pedal, ie, you can see it without crawling under the bike. This isn’t where the brake switch attaches to.
There should be a tiny spring on your switch, and that attached to the pedal behind the footrest plate to a sticky-up-bit from the lever itself.
I hope this is clearer - I’m sorry for my cold induced babbling, lol.
Thanks mole, I thought there must have been a lug on the pedal itself - must have come off. Thanks for looking. I too have a stonking cold and will be in bed all day dreaming up my next project with an endless budget - yes I’m delirious! :sick:
sticky-up-bit from the lever itself.
I hope this is clearer - I’m sorry for my cold induced babbling, lol.
Thats quailty Mole well done that girl
lol, I couldn’t remember what ‘lug’ was! (thanks Diablo, lol):hehe: