This is Google Maps but for fractals. Choose your fractal and play!
doesnt work? unless my fractal has 0 parts :w00t:
Well it looks very pretty let me tell you. You can try your own if that works, if not
doesnt work on mozilla but does on chrome
Julia Map uses the Google Maps API to zoom and pan into the fractals. The images are computed with HTML 5 canvas. Each image generally requires millions of floating point operations. Web workers spread the heavy calculations on all cores of the machine.
Very pretty
I used to have an old ipod running linux and it had a fractal program running and you could zoom in and out! No colours nor such level of detail tho
Fractals are freaking awesome man! Self similar patterns over an infinite scale! Complex numbers, the square root of -1. Freaky twists of fate of mathematical concepts! Friggin AWSOME MAN! :w00t: