I told you all it was true…
yeh clint, i just had an email from Sir Issac Newton, the respected 17th century physicist, mathematician, all round smart ass, anyway apparently at some point in the future you will aquite time travel technology, and travel back to the 17th century, and steal this joke from him, and give it to yourself now, anyway, long story short, he wants his joke back
He’s a liar… A LIAR I say
lol…I’ll tell him that when I see him next!!
I agree lol
There is a flaw in that proof… the exact quote is “love of money is the root of all evil” therefore girls do not equate to evil
OK, accepted. Even if time is not money, the proof only changes to (love of girls) = time x (love of (root (evil))) which is the same as girls = time x root (evil) which is the same as girls over time = root (evil) Which is true, over time they are I’m not bitter
I like it (but my physics teacher head still want to correct the flaws… )