Getting rid of scratches.

I’ve got some scratches on my silver seat panel, some down to the plastic, on my 2 yr old bike.

I’m thinking of selling the bike.

Does anyone know the best way or place to get this sort of thing sorted, or should I just leave it and reflect in the price?



i had the same with my bike being silver. i bought some silver t cut and got to work on it. does take a very long time but it does help and it does depend on how deep the scratches are

if you really want them gone you can get a company round to blow in the area damaged but being a mixed paint will be hard to hide

A well placed LB sticker can work wonders;):smiley:

go over the scratch with touch up paint then when drying go over it with t-cut worked brilliantly with my black panels

i know halfords offer the service on cars, they might do a bike aswell? worth a shot