France Ban Burkka on Monday

Ah yes! The true sign of a ninja! They stink! And with all the fast roping and rooftop rambling in them baggy black outfits makes the pong even worse!

Eating bacon mcflurrys can’t help the situation either!

imagine an arse drop from a bacon mcflurry…ffffffcukk me!!!:sick:



McFlurrys should be banned too. The packaging kills hedgehogs. (True)

shes a looker the second from the left:Wow:

Not since 2006 :smiley:

I love me a good old mythbusting task in the evenings :smiley:

Thank you Serrisan:) We didn’t realise it had been solved, and do like a happy ending before bedtime:)

cant wait for the ban



I now really really want a Mcflurry… even though I have never ever had one

Probably won’t count towards “five a day” so it’s a good job you haven’t got one really. Have an apple:D

i thought it was already banned???! oh, well Amen to that! and if they don’t like this then they can go back to their own country

roflmao I love the “amen to that” just rub that Christianity in their face! lol :smiley:

Is that from the middle eastern special K advert?

Some will be glad then :smiley:

