First rant of the year

I’m merely a newbie Salee, but sheesh, you don’t seem to have any perception of the real world.

Sure, talking is fine, if both parties participate. If one party decides that they are going to physically hurt someone regardless, then are you going to step up with a baton? No? Then kindly butt out while some here have to do this sort of thing on your behalf in the course of their jobs.

If you can’t do please don’t say how it should be done.


“Tired and emotional” aggressive acronym removed, sorry Sallee.

i haven’t ever said ‘how’ it should be done in that situation

and i applaud those who do have to do it on our behalf…i only wish they had tougher laws to back them up

and i dont understand all your abbreviations…but i got the ‘***k Off And Die’ one

and as for reality…yep i’m up to speed on that too…people are not nice

have a happy new year

IF you believe in what u just wrote? Why cant you practice it in real life? Not being funny but i dont understand how you make a comment like this about talking to sort things out, yet when it comes to it…you DONT cos you leave “things” unsorted without talking…i dont get it…is this one rule for you and another for others? I genuinely DONT get it?

before everything became over the top pc they would have done but now it will be you who will get nicked for giving him a slap around the pork chops and sorting the problem out, this is why I dont say boo to a ghost when I am working, I had some drunk fool telling me how much of a fantastic DJ he was on nye ok buddy why are you not working on the most busy day of the year ?

I would have punch him stright in the face but I just get the door staff to do it but I would love to

Man, I think people are entitled to their opinion. I can never understand how some folk say you can’t have an opinion. I don’t agree with salee but I respect her right to feel that way. I think a very famous man, Gandhi he may have been called, was very much ‘in’ to passive resistance. It may have worked for him and millions of others.

Me, I’d spank them silly upside the head. I think this kind of thing is simply caused by susbtance abuse and this is more evident at times like the New Year.

Violence is simply a part of our lives now and it is very difficult to know what to do about it. Many years ago I saw a guy beating a girl up and I intervened by pulling the guy off her and throwing him on the ground. The girl immediately screamed at me to leave him alone and launched an attack at me, so I left them to it and since then have never got involved. Maybe that’s why a lot of people just pass by - you just don’t know what is going to happen.

The gun and knife culture that seems to exist with our youth these days appears out of control. On New Years Eve a very good friend of my son was shot 4 times on the dancefloor of a club in Islington - he’s now fighting for his life and a promising career in American Football has probably been ended (he was the youngest non-US national to be signed by NFL team LA Raiders) - tragic waste. Two men and a girl have already been arrested apparently, but how did the shooter get his gun inside the club? WTF is he doing with a gun in the first place? What justifies shooting someone these days - getting your drink spilled or some geezer chatting to your girlfriend?

Also on New Years Eve, my son was in a club in Covent Garden where two guys got stabbed - they’re now critical.

I’m convinced it is because the punishment now no longer fits the crime - if illegal possession of a firearm carried a minimum prison sentence of, say, 10 years, then I think that the majority of people currently carrying guns would think twice (but I expect some PC tw*t would block something like that in case the criminal’s (sorry, alleged criminal) feelings were hurt).

Whilst I respect Salee completely for her opinions (we’re all entitled to our own), I’m just curious as to whether she thinks the ‘violence’ used to detain the men in the following video clip was wrong as well ?,30100-co19_p28272,00.html

beemerblokes experiences are all too familiar. i’ll protect myself, my girl and my friends to the end if they’re being attacked. if friends are causing trouble then they deserve their kicking. everyone else can go whistle, its not worth it

I’ve seen and been on the receiving end of mindless violence and attacks more often than i’d like (unprovoked i might add). I’ve been attacked by people with metal bars, threatened to be stabbed a number of times, been started on just because they ‘thought’ i was the boyfriend of a girl that was blowing them off, had property and cars vandalised, been showed in glass from buses being attacked with thrown glass bottles. i’ve had to give my details to the police when people have been shot or stabbed in clubs i’ve been in. the list goes on. this isn’t because i think i’m a tough guy and hang out with gangsters. this is just going about a normal life in london.

talk to them? what mindless tree-hugging bllsht, dont make me laugh. they dont give a toss. wake up.

all you can do is avoid them, and stop being so niave. i’m 6’3" and used to be a thai-boxing instructor, and have done weapons training. no matter what you do the odds are heavily against you. the best part of it in practical terms is recognising behaviour and assessing threats, and keeping them the hell away from you. whilst some of us are civilised, many aren’t far from the animals they in theory evolved from. thank f*** we dont all have access to guns in this country


Did the Met give you permission to post your home videos?

I have to admit I disagree with Sal (sorry Sal, you seem to be getting hte tough stick for the minute) but pacifism is idealistic. Switzerland is the only country in the Europe to remain neutral and do you wanna know why…its not cos everyoen respects their pacifism. There’s 2 reasons:

  1. Every general took one look at those mountains and went…“Hmmm persuade my troops to march for months over those hills with the SH!TE quality kit the MOD provided for us…FORGET IT!!!”


  1. The Swiss banking system has every single country in teh world by the goolies. Where do you think Blair stashes his millions to avoid GOrdon’s Draconian tax laws eh…it certainly ISN’T Barclays Bank on Oxford Street.

Its sad to say, but there is a place in society for violence. Hitler would have invaded Great Britain without it. Self-defence wouldn’t be possible without it. Boxing matches would be reet dull without it.

Pacifism is a good idea, but until society can produce a population that is one hunred per cent respectful of all of its citizens, equally, then that’s ALL it will ever be.

Erm…sorry, back normal conversation…I had too much coffee this morning and seemed to have swallowed Politics 101…sorry,

I’m not going to get into one here but why the hell is so many people up in arms about how salee wants to think? Let how have her post and move on. I’m not on these boards much but it is easy for me to see that she has her way of thinking and will not change. So why waste keyboard strokes to try?

IMO, London transport is unsafe and over priced. I could not giving a flying if others think I’m wrong as this is my life and my view. As for how cops deal with people…a little slap from a cop is nothing and you people that don’t like a hard hand should not push the laws to the ends at which the hand is needed (yes I have been in dealings with police in the past with the little silver braclets - I hold nothing against what they done as I was a smart ar4e with a big mouth!)

Sorry Niceday? but i dont think anyone on here is up in arms about the way salee thinks? you and everyone rightly says and i have always said, everyone is entitled to their opinion…and the whole idea of posting on the forum is to get others opinions on whatever subject it is…its not to criticise each other?

Sometimes something is said that is taken entirely wrong way and in that instance should be accepted as such when its pointed out it wasnt meant? Unfortunately, sometimes that is not the case and things escalate into something else…then again, thats part of being on the forum i guess dont you think? So its not that anyone is up in arms its just that we have different opinions…Salee thinks talking etc is the way to go, and others say that those ways dont work…i cant see a problem with any of those people, myself included…having those thoughts?

Or have i got that the wrong way?

My tupence - prison sentences to be full term and reintroduction of the death penalty. Society’s gone way too soft .

Absolutely agree

Just edited to say prisons to be prisons not hotels with locked doors

Unfortunately modern law is ineffective as a deterrant. There is not one single thing that will deter someone from doing their ‘stuff’ if that is what they have planned to do. The risk of capture is so low that the crime is worth it and they don’t think they going to get caught anyway.

So, if the risk of capture is so low then why doesn’t everyone jump on the bandwagon? well, i suppose most people are raised with some common decency and respect for others.

The spineless morons who call themselves government need to wake up and get a grip. Need to get tough and adopt a policy of zero tolerance and get the lazy gits out of their speed trap vans and on the beat.

It’s too easy for them to target soft options, and then crow on about how the crime figures are going down. They’re down because there’s no point in reporting petty crime because there’s not enough real bobbys to get out there and police the streets.

Bring back victorian values.

For talk to work it has to be at a very early age, but if all kids were taught values then maybe fewer of them become offenders.

But the ones who do offend (at whatever age) should be punished appropriately to the crime, even if that means removing the person from society permanently.

Where is the right time for talking? I agree with you mad young age

‘we are talking now… it gets things sorted doesnt it…!!’

If thats the case we shouldnt have a problem to start with, i would of thought they have been down that line already…??

Who ever said it before parenting and education has got to be a big key to it all, (preventive stuff) and that goes with not having unwanted children which will eventually end up in that situation!

Some of this is slightly delayed cuz ive only just trailed through it all

See LCaller’s 2nd rant of the year, that’s when talking needs to happen. By the time that poor little sod gets old enough to be lippy to the police, it’ll be waaaay too late for him.

Puppy … you sound as if you’ve been doing my job !

I agree with your last post 100%.

Wow, so many opinions. But I don’t think there’s any one answer.

Man makes society and society makes man.

I do think however we’re confusing petty personal violence with the functions of the state. What, after all, are the police and the military if not the state monopoly of violence? We don’t mind it if a policeman batters a criminal (well, lefty do-gooders do) or a soldier kills a few people who are shooting at him (well, unless they take them prisoner, strip them and take pictures of them dry humping each other with tiny blurred-out willies).


There is a minimum sentence for carrying (even an imitation!) - 7 years - is there not? This is life if you resist or commit an offence with it. If I was a criminal, I’d make damn sure then that if I carried a firearm, I may as well use it to get out of a scrape if I was going to prison for that amount of time…

The Swiss also have an armed populace. With assault rifles. But it wouldn’t be right to use that as a supporting argument in any debate, would it?

It doesn’t surprise me that the police think the law is not a deterrant. Any lawyers on here? I can understand how you might think that a thug will only understand violence but what makes you think they will understand that? If they’re that determined, by your own logic…

Now having said that, that bloke who stood in front of the tank in tiananmen square - iconic for sure - but it hasn’t really brought democracy to china has it? And of course, all these countries with huge armies and totalitarian regimes and heavy-handed police, they don’t have violent crime do they?

This is a public apology to Sallee for a rather aggressive acronym I used earlier in the topic, which I unreservedly withdraw and have edited out. I must remember this is a place where real-life friendships are made, not the more impersonal Usenet where such remarks are run-of-the-mill.

Sorry Sallee, I owe you a drink.