FINALLY, i have a BIKE!!!! WOOOT!!! :))

thanks Andy :slight_smile: it may be awhile before you see me on it…:D:D i got lots of learning to do :unsure:

Great pics, you are a fantastic biker chick he he! :stuck_out_tongue:

CBT and you can ride around on L-plates!

I remember hiring a 125 (after my CBT!) and riding in and out of work for a couple of weeks for practise before my test :smiley:

Whats the betting you’ll be after a Hornet after your test … seems to be a theme around here at the moment!!

just seen this, cool stuff :smiley: and well done mr gold.

Great idea getting something where both feet touch the floor whilst your picking things up. Once you have your licence and are used to it going down to one foot won’t be as intimidating.

hope to see you out and about soon :cool:

congrats Cindy, look forward to seeing you on it sometime :slight_smile:

Congrats Cindy, good luck with the CBT! :smiley:

Congratulations on the bike! Good luck on the CBT when you do it :slight_smile: