EBuyer Sucks Balls !!!!!

Ebuyer RANT !!!

Ok got to rant now… Issue solved ( ish ) but I’m soo angry !

So last week for my birthday ( thank you for the cards BTW ) , I bought one of these bad boys from Ebuyer :

Now all good and everything was set for delivery tomorrow UNTIL I checks the order today and see that the plasma has been removed and just the video cable is being delivered .

On the phone for over an hour arguing with them as their system said there was an issue with the “package” of the plasma and the cable so ( get this ) THEY CANCELLED THE PLASMA and shipped the cable !! They then refunded my money and charged for the cable… So for a week they had £1080 of mine and only today did they think there was a problem .

So called them and got nowhere with Muppets number 1 and 2, until great lady number 3 at least apologised and we started to get somewhere… However they have now refunded my money to the card but I cant place another order because the money is now not on the card… So if I wait until the card is refunded and then place the order it’ll be over two weeks since they took my cash !

Anyway if I place another order on my switch card I can have the TV Saturday , but I need to pay a premium of £30 for weekend deliver !!! WTF this was too much and I lost it…

So as of now I have a £1080 vga cable arriving tomorrow , this is NOT how it’s going to end….

hahahaha! What an expensive cable eh? Sorry! it’s not funny at all… They can’t get away with that, can’t they? I have been using them for all my computer stuff and have never had a problem, sorry for yours lee…How annoying!!!

Don’t worry Lee, MotoGP doesn’t start for a couple of weeks, you’ll be fine!!

Should bought a 675, you’d have had it by now.

Did I mention that I’ve got mine?

Does anyone want to see any pictures?


What a pisser, don’t ya just hate waiting for things, i am the worlds worst if i am expecting something and i don’t get it, red rag to a bull!!!

Andrew, your just gloating to much…LOL

All sing now “it must be love…love…love da da daaaaaa”