Clicking noise normally means you’ve got a dead battery. Hook it up to a charger to find out. Batteries have a hard time at this time of year in the cold, they get drained quicker, and whilst the bike is standing still as well. There’s a chance your regulator/rectifier could also be playing up, but it’s more likely to be the battery past it’s best. Is it an old battery?
The clicking means it has SOME power, but not enough to turn the engine over.
Go with the battery theory if it was the starter the relay shouldn’t click it will only click when battery low and is not giving out a constant voltage to keep the contact for the stater to turn over
agree with aboves, the clicking noise is the internals of the starter solenoid bouncing due to not enough power supplied, if it was the starter you would get no noise or a donk as it tried to turn
if you did everything ok when you tried to jump it, it may be that the power cant get to the starter due to a bad connection at either the battery, one of the posts on the solenoid or the starter itself
easiest way to check is fully charge battery with charger, get a multimeter set it to dc volts and attach the leads to the battery terminals, reading should be 12.something volts, then turn ignition on and press starter button
if voltage drops a lot, down to less than 9 v the battery doesnt have enough amps in it (get a new one) if the voltage stays about the same there is a bad/corroded/loose connection somewhere check all tightnesses and clean connections
thanks for a the reply’s guys…just to be on the safe side i bought a new battery today…still the click…so phoned up a few places and the recomended a new starter motor was needed,
evrything you guy’s said makes sence…alot of sence…
so dug out the altanator to get to the starter motor…pulled that out and that is being inspected by a workshop…if it comes back ok…then the only thing i can think of is the solnoide is faulty…
im just gutted that this has happend to my bike and especilly as its ace night tomorrow night…