Damien Hirst Eat Your Heart Out

Borrowing a friends car and a low life member of the ‘Yoots Massive’ nicked my aerial so I designed my own piece of ‘Art’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Whats the bidding start at? :hehe:


We’ll start the bidding at 10/6d:)

Never paid for c&%k before ! :smiley: But hey theres always a first so ill double the old money.

Very strategically placed :w00t:

i’ll have a word with blade about that…:P:P she got the wrong one!

Who did you model it on.

Not yours :wink: Your missus told me the reception would be terrible :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that a kawasaki in the back ground? :smiley:

My you’ve got a biggen Grim, no wonder Debs is smiling :hehe:

It’s a red Ninja bin :cool:

Nah, Debs isn’t smiling.

Apparently I shouldn’t of posted her in work attire :blink: :smiley:

Just kinda of wondering what Debz is doing with a large…:w00t:;):smiley:

It’s keeping her quiet :smiley: