Here are a few pix & vids of Dainese DAir system in action:There was a strange hum in the air in Valencia around the Racing Service on the season’s last Grand Prix race, just like when you hold your breath waiting for something to happen. Then something really happened. In the mere space of seconds, the time required to fall off a bike, first Simoncelli fell, then Giorgi, and then Ranseder, and the tension pent up in the hearts of more than a few observers exploded into the deepest and most authentic enthusiasm when the long-desired reaction occurred: the D-air® racing air bag system developed by Dainese was triggered into action for the first time during a Grand Prix race in Valencia! The system was tested by Marco Simoncelli (250 cc division) Simone Grotzky, and Michi Ranseder (125 cc division).

This extraordinary result represented the richly deserved reward for all the effort, determination, perseverance and conviction of work team constantly committed to research, experimentation, data collection, and reliability testing around an extremely ambitious project that began more than ten years ago that has now reached a decidedly high advanced state of prototype configuration. The accomplishment also represents the starting point for keeping concentration levels high and focused on the next steps that envision many other specific tests in both the laboratory and on track for the perfection of a system that may be placed on the market in the next few years, in this way making an instrument that has become the symbol of the mission of “providing people with head-to-toe dynamic sports protection” that Dainese has pursued ever since 1972 available to a wider number of users.

Pix & Vids:

Simone Giorgi

Michael Ranseder

Two Videos:


the only thing is that in the second video the airbag took a second till it opened

you can see the guy sliding for a few metres before the airbag expands.

surely on road conditions (e.g we) cant afford a few metres…


Thats mad!! How do you test it?
Ok mate, go around this track and at the next corner can you jump of your bike?:smiley:

Dainese say it will be a few years before were able to buy it so you can bet it’ll work faster and a lot better by then, and waiting a few meters has to be better than know airbag at all, its not full proof but any help in a crash has to be a good thing, right?I like the way it supports the neck.

I swear I saw this airbag type suit on Tomorrow’s World in the late 80s.

It was orignally designed by a Japanese biker I think

I have an airbag jacket.It’s deployed twice, once in a low speed spill that I wouldn’t have hurt myself anyway, & once by accident wearing my jacket as a passenger in a van & the rip cord got pulled.

It’s quite good for £100 in a textile jacket, but wish it was a stand alone system I could wear under my leathers.As to testing - the advertising for mine showed people falling off a horse (i.e. the horse doesn’t crash just because you jump off, unlike a bike which would get expensive :lol: )