Guys and Girls! The photos of tonight are now online for you!
Here is a little taster of the night! Just don’t ask!
Guys and Girls! The photos of tonight are now online for you!
Here is a little taster of the night! Just don’t ask!
Holy S**t…what the hell did ya give him to drink ??..
Just looked through…some interesting pictures there Cez !!..
I’m innocent on those! Sware! Actualy I was sitting down there quitly minding my own business. Some malicious person took my camera and did that!
LOL… he’s not going to be happy with that!
I am really gutted I missed this. My bike still isn’t done, I am sort of resigned to the fact that I may have to get the engine out.
hmmm…i wonder who it was…
How do I manage to look like a complete knob in every picture ive been in my life? part from that nice pics and was nice to meet you lot
to all those at the cubana last night that turned up in the pissing rain…YOU CRAZY CATS!!!
it was great to meet wolfie and smiled, sorry you guys had to wait in the begining but we finally made it…roxy nice to meet you as well. Cezar a big thanks for your commitment to LB .
Finally the ride home was terrible i dont think i will be so keen to get out in weather that rains down both verticle,horizontal and diagonal all at the same time!!!
keep safe one and all!!
Seems like u guys had a great time…am kinda curious , that Chinese Ak-47S (and that definately looks like a Norinco)on the wall… isn’t that illegal in the UK ?
only if you use it!! i think the waiters use it to get bigger tips!
Guys I have woken up in the foulest mood ever this morning and that picture has just snapped me right out of it! PMSL
you guys looked like you had a blast
shame i missed it…
HEY ! good to put faces to names …nice one
benny-benelli: was it you passing The Glades in bromley towards lewisham?
Put a few more names to faces. 666, Your not a little fat white kid are you? Charlie, I’ll be tapping you up to install some kit towards the end of next week. Matt, I downloaded that Itunes thing, I just hope it doesn’t transmography my lovely PC in to one of those simplistic MAC things… Andrew, Roll on Mon 19th. But if the weather doesn’t change I’ll be staying in my workshop. Had the worst Aqua plane experience of my life on the way back to guildford last night. Crappy weather, I hope it improves before Autumn…
Really nice to meet you al indeed! I also had a horrible experience riding back home! Almost went down on a huge paddle of water… I just hate ride in the rain… Only you guys and LB to make me do that!
Ops! Again? You guys don’t get my accent do you? I said Paddle! but I mean Puddle… What’s the difference anyway? Paddle when I speak sounds Puddle and Puddle would sound Poodle… Does it make any sense?? lol
Oh, never mind… Just leasten to the podcast and you will understand it a bit better… lol
What do you mean…
Divvy Bloke looking a right prat = Flatster !!
Is that what that pic did for you ??
Think you’re a bit of a star there with the camera Cezar.
But why do I look awful in evry pic of me? (easy guys, or you’ll hurt my feelings!)
Luv Christine x