Corrosion resistance treament

Sorry if it’s old. Saw this on another forum discussion corrosion issues - looks like a good idea to me. Anyone have any experience?

yep, few threads on it on here. works well, even after the fact to some extent. scotoil do one too i think

Yeah…this stuff is mega!!! Its a bit of a pain to put on, but there is nothing out there better…will even reverse some corrosion!

I tried Scotoiler FS365 but it didn’t seem to do anything but this ACF50 is a monster product, as said above it seems to have reversed the corrosion on my brake banjos, not sure if that’s possible or maybe I just rubbed the corrosion off but it has certainly stopped any more corrosion appearing, M&P had an offer of 2 cans for £20 a few weeks ago.

Been using it for years - it’s ace

End of

Bought myself some of this just the other day, still got to try it out though :slight_smile:

Awesome. Will give it a go.

Maybe if I have a bath in it as well…

I use ACF-50, reckon it has added to the life of me pipes, especially when they’ve been well salted.

Also heard it referred to as “snake oil”, but I’ve always thought that if you believe; it’ll happen.

Obviously just don’t believe I’ll win the lottery hard enough.

What did we ever do before all these products were invented?:wink:

had furry nuts? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooh young man! Leave my monkey nuts outta this:D

We used a drop of oil dissolved in petrol or a drop of diesel to keep the salt at bay:)

ACF50 is absolutely superb.

All of my bikes have been coated in the stuff, even the fairings cos it makes it so easy to clean. 1 can lasts for ages and just re-apply monthly throughout winter to things like wheels to keep them sparkly.

I thought you used the wax that dripped off the candles in the headlight to protect the bike ? Quick wipe round the chrome and job done :wink:

sounds interesting, is the service worth paying for or is it best to buy the stuff yerself and do a DIY?cheers

I reckon you could be right except the lanterns were brass :wink: :laugh:

My bikes looking like it was dragged up from the bottom of a lake at the moment, I’ve bought some ACF-50, will this clean my can and link pipe up etc nicely? At the moment its all dull and horrible from all the crap on the road.

Boeing aircraft seems to have a similar sort of treatment, Boeshield-T9. I’ve seen it used on scooters that were ridden through a Michigan winter, and the results were very good. It worries me that they say it can loosen rusted parts, as that is mostly all I have now. Wouldn’t like to shed some important parts.

“Believe the hype” as they say. As everone has already said this stuff is awesome. For anyone thinking about buying it; you’re wasting your time thinking!

I have ridden through winter with this stuff over the bike and, although it gathers crap like a turd attracts flies, when you come to clean it (which is not easy cos of all the dirt stuck to everything) everything looks as good as when you sprayed it.

Back in December I was planning on storing the bike for a while but I knew I wasn’t gonna find time to wash for at least a month (I am so happy the days are getting noticably longer:)). The bike was covered in black muck and road salt and I was worried that come a month it would look like my pushbike (which has been sitting in the garden neglected since I got a proper bike). So I got my hands on some of this stuff and sprayed it everywhere except for the brake discs & pads. When I was ready to clean it I was amazed at how this stuff had really protected the finish on the metal parts. It even eliminated some superficial rust on the rear wheel spindle and chain!


I use FWB3000

Fautless performance. What you do is clean the bike thoroughly then stick it in the nice warm dry garage from November to March. When you wheel her out on the sunny spring days, it is amazing how little rust or grim has affected it…:stuck_out_tongue:

Been using ACF50 for years and wont use any other product. Nuff said!!! :wink: