close call

so if we all think about what can happen, none of us would ever ride fast at all would we? planning, advanced riding whatever you wanna call it is all well and good , and it helps but sometimes it WILL not matter…

listenign to the revs on the bike it seems he did slow a bit for that corner, as he did he had just enough time to react, my feelign is if he didnt react, and he had paniced…he would have hit it, fact is he didnt.

very lucky yes, but how can people call him a knob? as far as im concerened he reacted well, and had luck on his side.

If we think about what can happen, most of us would would have the sense to slow down where necessary .

How much difference to the force of impact would the amount he backed off made if his bike hit you or one of yours? He had just enough time to flinch. He had no time to reach for the brakes or accelerate past the hazard. He didnt appear to panic, agreed, but if that car had been turning right in stead of left, or been towing a trailer, been a Bus etc, would the outcome have been the same? Where would he have gone if that had been a lorry coming out of there?

The fact he never hit that, or any other car was just lucky, he was a passenger as soon it ** did ** go wrong, no control over what would happen to him or anyone else unfortunate enough to be caught up in it. As I said, we all go over the limit at some time, but as a dear friend would say “its not how fast you ride, its how you ride fast…”

Now thats the easy one to answer. If our hero had been badly hurt in this video and was laying in a hospital bed in a world of pain. If he had the chance to rewind the day and start that ride again what do you think he would do. Ride the same or slow down?

Hmmm…Looks familiar to me so I wouldn’t be so judgemental.

I don’t think many here who’ve ridden a fast bike, haven’t got that bit between the teeth and really opened up the throttle.

Sometimes, you get things wrong and make mistakes…Sometimes at high speed. You curse yourself for it, and thank your lucky stars you didn’t just kill yourself.

The important thing is to think about what went wrong and how to avoid it happening again.

Slowing down when you see a junction road sign, is not a bad idea too :hehe:

Just read your replies Sneakster and agree with what you say.

There is no excuse for ignoring junction signs (but I’ve guilty of that).

The outcome could’ve been very different as I remember when me and a mate went to Republic of Ireland in 06, there were two good mates (one on a ZX10R and one on a GSX-R 1000) killed locally when they blasted down this road and didn’t know there was a quarry entrance.

180 MPH + Truck pulling out = no chance.

Sad loss of life.

thank you…thats kinda what im trying to say!!!

if we all think ‘what can happen’ we would never open the throttle, i understand its a balance of risk? but still come on he had to slow for the corner…wich he did!

he baltantly slowed, you can hear it in the bike…how do you KNOW he didnt brake? cos i think theres a good chance he did, wacth the vid, watch the front dip and the slight wobble as he rounds the corner and see’s the car pulling out.

you cannot avoid everything, doesnt matter how much you plan, sometimes you will be just sh*t out of luck, he obviously wasnt.

calling him a knob? well i’ve rode with people that ride at similar pace…remember;)

its kinda why i left the lanes, becuase it was getting silly with the speed, plus a few fatal nbike accidents in a short period of time kinda put me off a bit.

The rider is simply a selfish idiot who is showing absolutely no respect for anyone else.

I’m all for individual freedom and, if people want to risk life and limb on a track, parachute jumping, mountain climbing etc that’s their right - just as long as it’s *their own **** * neck they break and no-one else’s.

Two words: track day


Yeah I do, but not around corners like that. Remember, its not how fast you ride:)

Good decision then. I take it that you would not round a corner like our hero then?:cool:

i have done at times yes, and been confronted on a few occasions by things such as combine harvesters and even a u turning car in the middle of the bloody lanes!

spose i was just lucky:D

Think the main thing is, it is possible to ride around country lanes that fast and still avoid situations like this.

Looking further ahead, he would have spotted a road sign warning of the junction which would have been some distance from the junction itself, and (unless he is a knob) would have slowed down accordingly.

It’s not advanced riding, it’s just common sense (and this is one area that track days help…looking far down the track for ref points and next corners).

The guys that race TT can spot individuals in the crowd at the speeds they ride at, all we need to do is look for signs and road markings.

And even at that speed, it is still…

Simples…pwiw :smiley:

I disagree and I’d suggest that this is a dangerous view - you might be lucky for a while, but sooner or later riding like this will kill you (and possibly other innocent souls too).

It certainly isn’t.


Fair enough dude.

Accidents that kill happen regardless of speed. Knowing a mate that has been riding like the above in the video for 30+ years and still being alive to tell the tale, suggests to me that there’s more to it than ‘sooner or later riding like that will kill you’.

Ratty, I heard you were riding far more confidently since you and I last rode The BCR. If you can ride anywhere near the speed of that rider on roads like that then you’re a lot faster then me. I wouldn’t have the g/nads for it. The same speed on better suited roads for sure!

With regard Advanced Techniques, I’m with JS. But then I’m sure very many Advanced Riders would tear my riding to shreds. Not just for the sloppy standard of my riding, but for the way I ride generally. I take the tools from it that suit me, and use them to best suit my aims. Not the Advanced way, tut, tut!:stuck_out_tongue:

Afro, I bet your m8 is very much in the minority!:smiley:

Perhaps…He seems to get away with way too much, whether riding, mountain climbing etc and he’s 45 now.

Must’ve sold his soul or something :hehe:

i’m a much betetr rider than i was, specially on BCR turf as i’ve learnt the roads, and how to read them from yourselves and others input either here or in person.

to be honest george i dont think i am fast, that would be big headed, tho im told im not slow;)

you prob be suprised how much better,smoother and faster i am…if i i am? its been a while since we last rode togather:kiss:

and yes i most likely could ride that fast… pretty much pinned in 4th and 5th on ‘our’ roads is pretty moving init?:w00t::smiley:

It seems to me, that whether he is riding too fast or not is only one issue - his positioning for visibility is sh1t! At one point he almost hits the apex when if he was taking the wider line the car might not ever have pulled out.

Agreed, but there is first 1, then a few more cars coming the other way for which I assume he’s moved away from the centre line. I may have moved back toward the centre for a better view but for 2 things.

  1. His mate might be trying to pass him!:smiley:
  2. His head height is different to the camera height. But as you say, the car could have seen him earlier if he had better positioned himself.