I have just watched the funniest thing I have ever had the priviledge to see !!
I have just had a call come over the Radio here that all service trains to be stopped as we have trackside intruders in my control area as there was a couple of would be gansta,s tampering with Cars and Bikes in the Company Car park.
The Police arrive and the Hoodies climb over a fence and run along trackside while the police give chase. The Hoodies then run to a another fence and scale up on to a higher wall. They are looking back all the time and see that they are gaining on the Police
(good reason).
They then get up on to a roof and begin to slide down the drainpipes out of view.
The Police are trackside laughing their bollox off…why ?
The Hoodies have just climbed up and scaled it down right in to the secure car park of the HAMMERSMITH POLICE STATION thats right opposite my control room !!!
Its like the eternal urban legend that goes round every year at galstonbury Festival of the kids that scale the wall to get in free and end up climbing ito the Police Paddock carrying loads of drugs and booze…
Now staple gun their nuts to the wall and leave them there for a few days. Nothing like a bit of a real deterrent to sort them out. Still, good to know that the police were able to corral and apprehend them nicely!