Broadlakes Lodge bike night this evening?

Tim (Scorch) is popping round this afternoon to test out his latest rewound stator masterpiece on my bike so we’re going to take it on a test run up to Broadlakes Lodge afterwards, for their bike night.

Marta (cheekychick) and I went up there last year and it’s quite a nice place for a sit and a chat and makes a nice change from the crowds at the Ace - there’s some fun lanes in the area too so I thought I’d see if anyone wanted to join Tim and me this evening.

Not sure what time we’ll be there yet but I imagine it’ll be around 6:30 ish if all goes well with my bike.

So, Tim and I had a nice evening and Marta popped by later with some friends. I’m going to try and get up there more often as its a good place to chill out away from the London hoards. Hopefully some of you will join us next time : )

Damn, if I’d actually looked where this was I would have joined you, it’s less than 10 miles from me.

No worries dude. Maybe next time?

Depends when, but yeah why not

First impressions are good. It’s like the Ace, but surrounded by fields not coppers. :slight_smile:
I’ll need to pop up there one morning for a breakfast before I deliver my full report.

I must get there, two mates of mine go regularly, if you didnt know already this is the remnants of the old Busy Bee bike cafe group from the heyday of bike cafes

Busy Bee

Much better than the ace. And it was good to see CjKit, shame we just missed scorch :cool:

I can vouch for their chips :smiley: Made to order and only £1.50 a bowl.

Hangover and hunger got the better of me :slight_smile:
I like it, it’s got a lot of character

I’m going to pop down next week, have a breakfast and a chat with the proprietors. They might offer us some incentives :slight_smile:

It was pretty busy by the time we got there, it seems quite popular for non-posers :slight_smile:

You lot must have pissed them off big time as their website is no longer available.