breakdown and recovery service in europe

Hi all,

Does aAnyone know of a solution to getting bike breakdown and recovery cover in France and surrounding EU countries? My own insurance company won’t do this.

The other companies seem aimed at car drivers only.

Your valued input is greatefully received.


The AA do European cover.

RAC do too

RAC cover my bike and car anywhere

Get insured with Carol Nash, then you get Euro cover, did the trick for me last summer…

ive just done mine with RAC today, green flag also do it

Beware of AA and RAC and most other ‘standard’’s. They will not recover after an RTA nor if the bike is rideable but the rider incapacitated. They only recover in case of breakdown. I’ve been with people in both situations and their despair was not pretty just when they were feeling low to start with.

Carole Nash include it as a standard part of their policy, and MAG’s GBP50 2-wheel EU cover[1] does all you want as well.

So for goodness sake phone up your insurers and double check the above.

[1] Blatant plug for MAG…