Brands Indy

A bargain at £99. 4 groups. I should be booking into inters or inters2.
anyone else going to be there?

Hmmmm…my birthday is on the 9th…may well ‘celebrate’ early!

Not such a bargain as it’s 4 groups is it?

On the bright side that could give me 45 minutes in every hour to try and find out what’s wrong with my bike!

I shall see where I am closer to the date and book Teh fast group if I’m local.

(Currently stuck in China :frowning: )

No one going to Brands Indy on Monday 24th May?

Its with Club MSV and £165. I’ve never done Brands Indy, some of my mates reckon its over priced. What do you guys think?

well its better then normal. whether it be 6 x 15 sessions or 5 x 20 sessions its still better a better price then you’d normally get (i see another brands indy in june with no limits for £155).
sorry its not a full on bargain.

maybe see you there alex. i’ll update this thread when i book.

joey - i generally see brands indy/gp as being the more expensive trackday. never been so no idea why. hence why finding it at £99 is in my eyes worth it just to try it out even if it be 5 x 20 or 6 x 15 min sessions.

Agreed it’s cheaper, but the reason is more punters, less tracktime.

The great thing with NL though, is if the day is undersubcribed, unlikley I know, they could well go back to 3 groups - then it really is a bargain.

They did that years ago at Snett and we did 20 mins on, 20 off all day.

Oooooooo wouldn’t mind a few laps around brands In June myself may seem a bit tame since I did the gp track , hopefully I’ll be there grooving out the Tarmac for a change :wink: £99 bargain !!!

i see what you mean with more people/groups = less tracktime. not sure how no limits run the 4 group days however hottrax still kept it at 20 mins. so you got 5 x 20 mins. for those that don’t do the last session on a normal day (6 sessions) then this £99 could like a bargain.
regardless, its cheaper then normal, i’ll still no doubt enjoy it, plus it’ll be good to get another track ticked off the list.

looks like we may have a few from LB going:cool:

The indie circuit is SO much fun, I’m sure you’ll love it.

Easy to remember your way around, difficult to master.

No big straights for faster bikes to get away (by too much), and if they do run 15 minute sessions it’s not too bad as the place does tire you out quickly.

Just have to hope there isn’t a load of red flags.