Boris and the Bus Lanes

The London Cycling Campaign has submitted a petition with 3,500 signatures to BoJo saying no to motorbikes in bus lanes.

MCN are submitting a counter petition but need signatures so far there are about 1,600. Please sign up at the link below.

Just done it, innit.

I hope he doesn’t go back on his word.

I’ve signed and I also sent Boris an email via his website.

TfL release today on congestion includes:

The Mayor has asked TfL to bring forward plans to allow motorbikes to ride in bus lanes, and expects the first lanes to open later this year


remember he has only been in power a short time and these things do take time to put into effect. If things get moving by the end of this year then it is moving fast. At least he is sending out the right signals and is trying to get TFL to move faster. Good on him! All Hail Boris!!