Bikers on guard at war funerals

Good lads, shame they ride Harleys:


I can not beleive that these religious fanatics are allowed to rant and preach thier hateful homophobia at a dead soldiers funeral. I don’t support the war, but I do support the troops out there.

I just hope this kind of thing never happens here, nimby I know.

absolutely ditto dancbr600rider.

it makes no sense at all - denying a grieving family the chance to say good bye to their son who fought for his country - because the world in general will not persecute homosexual people. And the connection is where exactly? How dare they.

If you want something done - call a biker. If you want someone to talk about something being done - call a politician. Those protesters and politicians alike should be ashamed of themselves.

Harleys or not, I take my hat off to those boys! … kinda gives me faith in the human spirit!

The best wind up ever for Homophobes is a put down I heard a while ago . . . .

“You know what they say about you . . . It’s the squeaky wheel that wants greasing”

Guaranteed squirming, I especially enjoy emphasising the ~greasing~ bit, hand gestures optional

Why can’t they just let the poor families morn their loved ones in peace, especialy a soldier who has just give his life in the name of freedom and democrasy.
Good on the bikers, at least some people still have respect for a fallen soldier.




Nutters. Well done those bikers, that’s what biking is all about, sharing the experience and standing up for one-another.