Biker Down - DT Ross

My thoughts exactly ! Looks nasty ! Which part of the 4X4 could he possibly have hit/been hit with? Wishing him a speedy recovery but it looks like it’s going to be a while. Just when summer’s around the corner… Unlucky !

He’s on a quad bike so he might be on the road sooner rather than later. silver lining eh :smiley:

Sorry to see this mate, hope you recover quickly.

All the best and gws



Don’t forget to reschedule your mod 1.

Ouch… don’t let Ally see that :crying:

Get well soon Ross. Watch out in future peeps, Mrs J is shopping for a 4x4. :pinch:

Do ya fancy a blue range rover, it might be black now though!!:w00t:

get well soon buddy.looks like the surgeons will have their work cut out tonight.

I dont know the circumstances of the accident but sure hope the 4 x 4 driver will look twice at junctions in future.


Ouch… you will be on the mend in no time…

Get well soon Ross.

And I don’t imagine leathers would have made much of a difference to that injury.

If you need anything, just ask bud.


Fucking hell! You’ll need a big plaster for that one!

Glad to hear you’re generally ok… GWS !

Don’t know why but it reminds me of this monty python scetch

that nasty! he must be still in shock or on good drugs.

Hope you heal quickly

That reminds me I have to get some
Mince and onions for tomorrow tea
All jokes aside hope you are ok
And back on your feet again soon

Proper war wound…GWS

Sorry to see this, hope you make a fast recovery and without too much pain.

Yuck that’s sick :sick:

Don’t envy you over the next few days its going to take some surgery to knit that together.

Take up all drugs offered to you mate :w00t: get well soon x

Fooking hell that looks like it’s going to smart in the morning!!

All the best for a speedy recovery and if you didn’t want to do the IronButt you should of said… :smiley:

Don’t worry hun, that’ll T-Cut out!! :wink:

Seriously, you just had to go and upstage me - makes my tale of woe look like paper cut! +1 on taking all the pain killers you get offered. Woozy, I think the morphine was probably talking earlier, it mellows you right out and makes everything seem pretty funny.

Hope you get really well looked after and that you get a seriously cool scar (the chicks love them!). Hopefully it won’t be too long before you’re hooning around again. :slight_smile:

Thats not pretty ,hope it feels better soon …Do not eat the cauliflower cheese.

Wow that is some deep tissue damage. You’ll be limping for a while, still not to worry you’ll still be able to ride.

Get well soon.