Bike Valet

Where in Central London can I get my bike valeted? Preferably near Holborn if possible. Under £20 would be nice!

I’ve bought an old GS450 that needs a good clean and then I’ll know what needs to be done to it afterwards. Just a little winter hack to play with.


There is a place called Mo-clean that can visit your home or place of work, not sure what they are like as I’ve never used them.

Thanks for that. I’ll give them a call tomorrow and see what they can do for home cleaning.

I’ve used Mo-clean and recommend him. Used to be in Acton St near Kings X but is now mobile. Nice bloke but not cheap. You might have to stretch the £20 kitty a bit

The kitty is sadly depleted. SWMBO has declared that there are no further funds for the bike. So it looks like I’ll have to use a local car wash after all. Such is life. But it is only a 19 year old “classic” and I’m going to fix it up as a winter hack/all round commuter.

PM sent.

When I can’t be asked to clean it myself, I use a place behind Bandit Bikes (which is a very good bike shop btw) in the city.

They are open 7 days a week until 7 pm and charge £4 for a good wash.

They do loads of bikes as they are behind the bike shop so they know where to jet spray and where not to.

Address for Bandit Bikes, 52 Nelson Street, London E1 2DQ

Took mine here today on your recommendation, did a pretty good job for 4 quid I must say!!

+1 (Friday)

If you can bear to see your bike jet washed

And dirty again by the time you get it home