Last Friday some git knocked over my R1 when parked in a bike bay just off Holborn. Trouble is engine wont run properly now. The bike has been on its side before and after a few spins it fired up. Now it seems to be running really roughly, sounds like 2/3 cylinders and wont tick over. The noise it makes sounds like a popping into the airbox - hard to explain sounds in words! When I came back to it someone had picked it up but luckily someone told me that they had seen it on its side earlier. I know I shouldnt have, but it was well gone midnight and I had no choice but to ride it 15 miles home:crying: All wires are connected to ECU, any ideas before I have to drag it down to a repair shop? Thanks muchly.
I don’t know if it’s a problem - most bikes might flood the tank or the sumps on their sides and will need some time for the petrol to settle. The tilt switch may have triggered and shut off. Depends on the impact too - check your tank side etc. I had the same happen to my motorcycle when some b***ch in a blue Vauxhall Corsa reversed into my motorcycle and fled.
Here’s the good news:
email: [email protected]
or write to Westminster Council within 28 days and ask for the CCTV footage of the bay. If it’s a motorcycle bay, it will probably be under CCTV footage. You will have to fill in a police report, and then then quote the CAD number. That way you can trace the person who did it, if it was a vehicle or scooterfag (lol! love that term! How gay is that to be in love with the word ‘scooterfag’?! :w00t:).
Then sue the helll off them for damage and fleeing the scene.
Don’t let the b***ds get you down. If all else fails, it’s only a R1. Get a proper Italian bike instead
Good luck.
check yer plug caps are on properly.
i know its not much of an issue on faired bikes though but worth a look.
If its just been knocked over I dont think it can be too serious, they are pretty tough. Take the tank cover off and check plug leads, all connections, battery connections etc. If you can run it in the dark, see if there is any electrical arcing - could be damaged insulation. Is it fuel injected, if so check electrical connections to the injectors and throttle sensors. Also for any balance tubes come adrift from airbox, carbs, throttle bodies etc.
Good luck…PH
thanks for the help guys, I have finally managed to delve into the under tank area and have removed the air box which is clear of any obstructions, when I look down the velocity stacks and run the engine the 2 right hand carbs have what I imagine to be the carb slides moving up and down but the 2 left hand ones do nothing. Any ideas? Thanks again
wot side it go over on? just wondering about the choke, wheres the lever, could it bashed/fooked etc?
Hope you got the git on cctv that done it and maybe oil pouring into the upper engine cylinders when bike was on side caused the prob?
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, had to get a man to check it over today, i’m v limited on the mechanical skills level. He took the carbs off, cleaned them and now all hunky dory. He thinks some oil may have run into them when the bike was on its side. Just need to fix the brake lever now. Thanks again.