BCW Walk the Walk information for the 15-16th May

Registered for all 3 shifts. :slight_smile:

Forms and Cheque sent, sorry for the delay was waiting for my insurance details!

All shifts for me :slight_smile:

Filled out form, got to get insurance and driving licence part photocopied later and will be sending off prob tomorrow or friday, all 3 shifts. :)Got 2 friends that want in on this as well so far, so im sending them the forms…:slight_smile: that will be about 20 of us now ? (plus Andyp and chris hes got something to sort out first, but if they can they will be there whoo hoo !!! i wont get lost on way to hyde park !! so that will take it up numbers again)

As this is for a very good cause - so I will add my name to the list. I cannot do all the shifts but will be available from 6pm Sat through to 6am Sunday.

Babe, that IS the 3 shifts…and im doing those times to…:stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry Blade luv, all three shifts takes you to lunchtime Sunday :slight_smile:

Sat 6pm to 12.00pmSat 8pm to Sunday am breakfastSun 6.00am finish home for sunday lunch…(err no, home for sunday sleep!!) :w00t:

Not according to the paperwork…says HOME for sunday lunchtime or do they mean “home” as in back to the park??? ha ha oh well whatever will be will be…:stuck_out_tongue:

Just reading the first post :slight_smile:

the way I read it

its 6pm to 12am

8pm to 6 am

6am to 12pm

I can only do the first two as I need to get the boys their breakfast.

Im stumped now as well, cos reading from the info given its stating mid day sunday we finish but on the actual form from the Moonwalk its got this:Saturday 6pm till midnight

Saturday 8pm till sunday breakfast…dont know what time that is (i thought 6am ? )

Sunday 6am and home for sunday lunchtime…again dont know what they class as sunday lunch time? ie midday? 1/2pm?

I hoped to stay for the closing ceremony…

Barro has updated the Moonwalk Post !!

Forms and cheque in the post. doing all three shifts.

I’m available for all 3 shifts, forms & cheque in the post.

Can we have an update please? I have not yet received any confirmation that I am registered.

Which side of Hyde Park are we meeting?

I am assuming we have to be there slightly earlier than 6?

Also is there any stickers etc which we need to put on the bikes to show we are marshalling? I remember from last time discussions we had to have with traffic wardens.

Some information would be nice!!!

From Barro via Txt =

There is a big meeting taking place tonight with all the planners, volunteer group reps and playtex directors, where everthing will be finalised and a full and final update will be online right after that.


Can confirm what Raffles has said, after tonight we will know all there is to know…good mention about the stickers Abbeyj, i didnt think about that !!

I have today contacted a company called “Woods of Morecombe” they helped donate the used bras to last years walk. I explained our involvement and they have generously offered to send me a box of used bras (BIG mention to Joanne English, manager of the shop) !! Abbeyj, can you help me out with the dying process from whatever colour they come in, to PINK?

When we get them done we will give them out, prob on the day im not sure how that will go…when i find out i will let you know.

There will be a pre-ride im told this Friday? and then again on Saturday? on the route from Hyde Park, any of us can go on that if we can make it, just ask on here and someone will get back to you with meeting place for that.

Barro said everything is ON for the day, no worries at the moment, if we can get anything PINK to bring then do so, if we can get flags donated maybe? anything whatsoever that we can use will be a plus !! :slight_smile: He has been given pink glo sticks which is cool…

Cant think of anything else at the mo oh yeh, if anyone still wants to join us you CAN sign up on the DAY…Barro said if you fill in the forms, with all the paperwork you need, ie insurance,driving licence,cheque then he can get it sorted for you to join us…so dont worry, you can still come on board with this…

So until i find out anything else…that is all there is on update. Sorry its been a bit slow but things have been going on behind the scenes to get it this far…shame honda pulled out on the loan bikes though, would love to try and get them again…but M9 said no go…:crying:

Can I ask for a pink bra built for the larger gentleman !!

( didnt think id ever have to say that in public !! )

TRUST me…they are ALL going to be big…like JORDAN sized !! :cool: