August 12th east coast ride out

Am organising a ride out to southend (by vote) on the 12th august. Will be meeting at boxhill car park (pull over to left as you enter from main entrance) at 10am and leaving at half past. Have quite a few people from other forums joining us for this one and some will be filming (should you feel the urge to prove the front is lighter than the back or vice versa) for the forthcoming almost done dvd. Will also be a great day out and the chance to enjoy the long over due summer!!! Any one interested please clcik the link below…

Link removed was obviously to painfull for for some members to click on…

This sounds like fun but it’s the same day as the ladies rideout.

Enjoy your rideout!

i agree with you lusty

I would say a blatant plug for a website would be…

Hey !!! look at my website

Humm ladies rideout cancelled though!

Might be up for this one, have a wedding before, so if I am not there by 10:30 then leave without me, but if you see a numpty wearnig leathers that are making you put your shades on then that is me!

J Clarkson said we ALL look like numpty’s in leathers… After the day at wsb last sunday in leathers with that sun trying to cook me i think i mite leave them at home. But more the merrier Please note as u enter the car park we will be by the 1st pathway on left to the cafe. Look for a black R1 with silver/black number plate. No matter what or where you go i hope all you bikers have a great weekend. Weather forcast is good

Cool - will be riding a red thundercat and my leathers are day-glo orange…cough but as i said, if I aint there by 10:30 then leave without me!

day glo leathers needed, was only way i could see you in the distance!! Cheers for coming, hope u had fun

had a good laugh mate, was a top rideout! Even if was just to see your face on the rollercoaster!!!

Me and adam (after a little detour to find some last minute petrol!) went up through great dunmow and back down the B184 back through to central from there. Was then going to leg it over to imperial way, but just as I sat down to watch a bit of telly, fell asleep and didnt wake up again till 9pm!! Not that I am over the hill or anything…