ARGHHHHH 2X PCN'S!!!!!!!!!

just wondering … did you not recently change the bikes colour ?

did you notify dvla …

hence why the colour may be “other” as its different to the logbook colour

one may of been manually/visually seen and entered

other may have been automatic recorded

Pfft it was a bendy bus in central London, it is 30ft long. If I waited til I could see past it I would still be sitting there now.

I could see the other side of the road was clear and I didn’t think there could be an island in the middle of the bus, it shocked me when I saw it cause the bus was proper wrapped around it, if you know what i mean.

As the priest says…have you changed the colour of your bike and told anyone? Isn’t that an offence?

Technically the ticket is still wrong as the colour description doesn’t match the image they sent you…

I hear a can of worms opening mind…:slight_smile:

I already have my adjusted log book.

Its human error as one ticket says red and the other one states other as the colour

+1 just not at me :smiley: :smiley: