Anyone know a decent solicitor in London that deals with conveyancing?

… that deals with conveyancing.

Thanks in advance!

Apart from the contradiction in terms you’ve used, nope!

Soz. Too poor to buy a house

No, but, dont use the ones your estate agent or mortgage advisor suggests as they are usually getting a comission that affects their judgement . . . . shop around, maybe try one of the google ads on the side of this - £125 sounds cheap !

Beoifer the financial downfall that was my divorce I had bought and sold a few houses The best solicitor I used was Matthew Arnold and Baldwin in watford, used cheaper and they were sh**. MAB are not cheap but they are good.

In which area?

Cool thanks, all sorted now. I’m off to sunny Essex - so won’t be a London biker for too much longer

Witham, about 10mins from Chelmsford.

Sounds good - I probably won’t be in for a couple of months, so just in time for some summer (assuming we ever get one) riding fun.