anybody wanna go halves?

enough said…

anybody know a good route to Ohio XD


I’ll buy the air around it… Only reliable part, I’d imagine:P

Only if I can wear the Batman costume. You can be Robin…

does it have a cup holder?

yeh, hes called Alfred and he can sit in the passenger seat :slight_smile:

Did you notice how, at the end, the engine noise suddenly reduces when he closes the driver compartment? You would definitely need ear protectors when driving that if all the noise is directed at the driver.

Sounds like the same engine that powers the MTT-Y2K motorcycle - I’d rather have the latter. Even better still, I’d rather ride pillion on the back of Anne Hathaway/Catwoman’s bike…


89 offers :w00t: All declined :ermm:

dont like it. IM OUT.:smiley:

XD not to sure about the Y2k’s handling though…+ if you seen the latest batman, you know there was an ejector bike upgrade :smiley:

XD not to sure about the Y2k’s handling though…+ if you seen the latest batman, you know there was an ejector bike upgrade :smiley:

she doesnt look comfortable with that position…

Just got off the phone to Admiral multi -car insurance, they would cover it, so I’m sorry I cant help. :smiley: