Another biker down

I’m so sorry to hear about this Doc. If you need anything (as i am only around the corner from you) - even a hug and a lick from two Jack russells, let me know.



It is simple, 12 hours from bottle to throttle. If people cannot understand that and still drive then f**k them, take their car and licence away and please dont expect me to get upset when the bleat about how they cant take the kids to school, pick up granny and save the kittens. They deserve a public flogging.

See, it really riles me.

Canr say too much on this as I’m over the limit at 9 in the morning when I come off nights. But have done all the driving the wife and kids to school before I start and make sure I dont havetoo much so I cant ride to work at night.


so nice of you to share that with us Runt…where do you live again??? !!!

This “lady” who hit me stated to the police that she had only had a bottle of wine at 11 pm the previous evening. The way she was acting, it seemed later than that.

I would like to put Rider Support out front for their help!

Its free and they advise you on accidents and personal claims.

Join them they are bikers!

Good move!

Ouch! Sorry to hear that I hope you’ll get better soon.

Take care,


sorry to hear this doc. at least you weren’t too badly hurt.

I hope the police go to town on the drunk driver. Throw away the key, I say!

so sorry to hear of your off doc and you fazergem get well soon both of you

Sorry about you off, Doc glad to hear that you are ok.

Drunk at that time of the morning, its bad enough that people still think its ok to have a drink before they but to be drunk in the morning. she shouldn’t be allowed to have a license.

Stay safe Doc and see you soon.

Don’t think that would hold up in court! It all depends on how much you have had and over what period of time there are other factors such as metabolism, food consumed etc.

Maybe but it is standard for pilots and they have much more to loose than thee or me.

hope you are feeling a better matey