Across the pond...

Hello from across the pond, found this site on the AF1 Racing forum in the USA. Great site you have here.

Hi and welcome aboard.

Hey Twinrider, welcome aboard! Very nice ride you have there. I’ve always liked the design of that Aprilia :slight_smile: Where abouts in the US are you? The photo is dream-land weather for us :slight_smile:

hi and welcome

I live in South Texas , Corpus Christi , roads are flat here so we travel to the ’ Hill Country " in the center of the state for the best riding. During the summer in Corpus it gets pretty darn hot ,average around 92F to over 100F at times so riding in the am or late pm is best.Pic of my bike and the wife in central Texas last year.

Riding somewhere further afield to have some fun is never a bad thing, that’s what it’s all about eh :slight_smile: You’ve got a nice playground by the sounds of it.

A bit further north of you is one of our members, Gregman, who lives in Kansas…

Welcome to LB :slight_smile:

twinrider… Hello and Welcome to Londonbikers… Where abouts you from in the US of A?

Hey Foxy, In the Lone Star State, Texas ,along the coast -Corpus Christi -Gulf Of Mexico

Welcome to LB twinrider, nice bikes you and your Mrs have there … I trust she’ll be joining us soon ?


Hey and welcome got family up in the hill country above SA nice roads but Hot! and wet in the season… drove up from Houston not sure about the biking possibilities TomTom “next turn, left 187 miles” :w00t::stuck_out_tongue:

Kenny, if you get a chance take hwy 337 in the hill country. The Lone Star Motorcycle Museum is out that way, way cool ,they have HD’s, Ducati’s, Black Shadows, etc on display.

Hi Dude welcome to LB.

You have a very sexy bike :wink:

Well Thank You, it’s interesting over here in the US as many people are very confused as to what the heck this thing is. Makes for good conversations at times.

welcome, nice bike :stuck_out_tongue: