A silly joke

A man goes to the zoo.

There are no animals there, except for a small dog.

It’s a sh1tzu.

(Damn the mods, the 1 should, obviously, read “i”).

hahahaha! god one!

OK! I din’t get it but my wife is on my side and she ‘told’ me what was funny on it… I got it now! but she made me confess it here…

You’re funnier than our jokes, Cezar!

(no words in my defense)

what has four legs and flies???

a dead horse

Hey! This one I got without any help! am I becoming british?

Cezar my friend you always manage to lift my spirit up by just being you thanks

I know, Our Cezar is a bit of a funny one… You should hear him after a couple of drinks… Side splitting I think describes it… NUTTA…

There was a tap at the window…

What a stupid place to put a tap.