A day out in Surrey - Saturday the 21st

Motopup and tehswerver are going to be joining me in exploring the lanes that are local to me… This being surrey we will be doing ‘upper class greenlaneing’ :smiley:

The pace is going to be as fast as I can cope - which is probably not really fast as it will be only the second time I’ll have been on mud and don’t know the lanes at all.

I have compiled the lanes on maps and have reccied a few of them but, by all means do not have the ‘knowledge’ so we can expect to get a bit lost - but that’s all part of the fun, eh? :smiley:

For anyone wishing to join, we’ll be meeting at box hill at 10, leaving at 10.15 - come fully fuelled…

if you wish to get amorous with local wildlife, drop me a PM and I’ll try and arrange something… :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I’ll try and find a mountain bike I can borrow, should be fast enough :stuck_out_tongue:

ill come i know most of the ones around boxhill and have done them 3 or 4 times now are you all on supermotos? i just put my supermoto wheels back on and have been to some lanes on them and was scery lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chRhDnJDago this is my favourt one down there long and has some bumps u can get air on XD just can get really muddy and is hard with offroad wheels on at points lol

All be on film too. ill create another vid.

Got some god ideas i want to try.

See you there. I want to grab a quick *healthy, snack when we arrive. Lost 3.6lb last week! im rocking it out with my c0ck out! booooom

…did few lanes there with Ross last year.
would love to join, but my bike is still sick.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw4H-jqk82U&feature=plcp&context=C32da05eUDOEgsToPDskJXGYKCHE1e4QMaaIKVdt0- XD that was the first time iv been to them lanes with you

Mmm, I know that feelin!:crying:


…i meant sick not dead! :smiley:

Are you talking about me or the bike?:smiley:

oww poor xr whats wrong with her and dodo whats up with the 690?

the 690 needs only a small fix, should be done this or next weekend but i am also wondering what happend to the Riot?

he tried to move it…

That motopup ruined it!:angry:


I think know it was your 100% complete lack of skill that caused these issues! :w00t:

Going up big steps, us good riders choose the edges where the mud/gravel has built up to make it smoother, Sneaks decides…sod that…im going full pelt right at the middle bit…BANG…BANG…BANG…all the way up…

hahahahahahaha only joking…

I reckon you needed an excuse to never invite me on the bcr again…i didnt get an invite last weekend so it obviously worked for you! :cool:

motopup your task for tomorrow is to find a garage with a jetwash we can go to deal with the mud… I have a feeling by looking at the weather out there that we’re going to get quite a bit of it!


Task not accepted. Ill eat mud for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!

Are you joking. I didnt mean to go up that hill like that, I was totally outa control? Steering was never an option…that would have been multi tasking!:blush:

If you had of gone BCRing last week, you’dve been on your own! I was out NW of London on bigger road with less ice! I’ll prolly be out there this week too as I have to show a diamond to a customer out that way:P

Hope you have a good day lads. Had enough problems with mine this week - dead battery, non starter…then finally got it working Thursday night, rode it to work Friday morning, stopped for petrol, then went to pull away and this happened :confused:

Need to try and get a new clutch cable now, but having trouble finding somewhere with it in stock.

Have a good day lads, gutted I can’t be there! :frowning:

Halfords will sell an emergency cable you can use, you still probably won’t catch up but it might help…