30th Birthday Party Ideas

if you had food, was it okay?
and did you try out the club afterwards?

I’ve also been to the camden one, although it was about 4 years ago… the night was fun, but the food was fairly standard pile up a plate and dep fry it stuff, not the best for me but does the job…

Sorry I realised I hadnt really answered this at about 3am this morning - doh! :slight_smile:

we ordered finger food like Ian had I think - it was ok but would be more of a snackette than a meal - I didnt go to the club - but the enjoyment of the evening was definately led by who was playing.

due to the number of people wanting to go to a strip club or some kind of entertainment, could I also suggest a belly dancing restaurant? it doesnt have to be that, but just an idea? could be fun :slight_smile:

Just getting the details for the School Dinners Restaurant which has just moved. Food is good though, and if you go in “style” it’s much more fun

this is good fun, not a night out though so a bit off topic, just throwing you ideas…


go down the dogs? ment to be fun… never been myself…

im gonna suggest it again…

Strip Club

poutywombat (08/10/2009)

this is good fun, not a night out though so a bit off topic, just throwing you ideas… http://www.goape.co.uk/[/quote]aye its brill :smiley:

Curtis (08/10/2009)

We went to the Camden one a couple of years ago. Luckily we ate elsewhere beforehand. Jongleurs was awful - the comedians were not funny at all and the drink was watered down:sick:

What’s going on here???

I wrote responses to each of the 3 posts above but my text isnt there. :angry:

To summarise:

Kato - from experience, which is the best male strip club for the girls?

Curtis/Elad - looks fun but perhaps for another day…want everyone to start the night not tired and with no broken bones…lol

PPG - thinking comedy show wont work as too many people. I’m expecting about 20 people to definitely come so plus all your friends will make a pretty big group. And I dont think either of us want to chase people for deposit money or worse money for advance tickets. A meal and then pub with somewhere to dance would probably be best. DId you have a bellydancing place in mind? If we pick the restaurant, I can have a look for a nearby pub that will reserve us an area and also let everyone in.

I dont know all that many people round london. Maybe two or three might turn up? Hope you got the stuff I sent you on the Curry house. Thanks again for organising xx

you still not sorted this out yet ?

I think Anita is in the final stages :wink: fingers crossed :smiley: