2CELLOS Cover Nirvana Classic "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

These guys play the cello like I’ve never seen it played before!!


Couple more of them too.



weird, but good!

Awesomeeeee :smiley:

Check Zoe Keating too : http://londonbikers.com/forums/657161//Zoë-Keating?Keywords=zoe%20keating

Their website says they are plaing in London 24 August : http://www.2cellos.com/us/events

At Limelight : http://www.londonlimelight.co.uk/ - which is at the 100 Club on Oxford Street (never been and always wanted to :D)

But Limelight’s website or WeGotTickets’ website makes no reference to them being on the bill : http://www.wegottickets.com/event/111435

I’m just getting ready to go out for the night … but will probably email the organisers once I get home to see if they are playing or not … anyone else fancy it? :slight_smile:

That was pretty good!

Not heard them before. Pretty good … but if you like that I reckon you’ll love this :


The playing ability is immense!

I came across Apocalyptica years ago when I was sitting in a nice restaurant. It was on as background music and I suddenly twigged they were playing Metallica who I’ve always been a big fan of. I had to go and find out who it was.

It’s amazing how much power orchestral instruments have when playing rock.

I still don’t think anyone can compete with the S&M album though for merging the two forms together.

check out apocoliptica


ive seen them live

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Just not the same though :frowning: