These guys play the cello like I’ve never seen it played before!!
Couple more of them too.
These guys play the cello like I’ve never seen it played before!!
Couple more of them too.
weird, but good!
Check Zoe Keating too :ë-Keating?Keywords=zoe%20keating
Their website says they are plaing in London 24 August :
At Limelight : - which is at the 100 Club on Oxford Street (never been and always wanted to :D)
But Limelight’s website or WeGotTickets’ website makes no reference to them being on the bill :
I’m just getting ready to go out for the night … but will probably email the organisers once I get home to see if they are playing or not … anyone else fancy it?
That was pretty good!
Not heard them before. Pretty good … but if you like that I reckon you’ll love this :
The playing ability is immense!
I came across Apocalyptica years ago when I was sitting in a nice restaurant. It was on as background music and I suddenly twigged they were playing Metallica who I’ve always been a big fan of. I had to go and find out who it was.
It’s amazing how much power orchestral instruments have when playing rock.
I still don’t think anyone can compete with the S&M album though for merging the two forms together.
check out apocoliptica
ive seen them live
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Just not the same though